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אנגלית >> הצעות

Olympic Games (3)

us Harry9k >> יום שלישי פברואר 18 - 23:09
I think it would be pretty cool if they had an Olympic Games every 4 seasons just like in real life.
us Harry9k
fr Elric Antona >> יום שלישי פברואר 18 - 23:53
Good idea ! But then we need somebody to play the part of the macho dictator spending 50 billions on the organization ;)
fr Elric Antona
us Harry9k >> יום רביעי פברואר 19 - 00:10, ערוך יום רביעי פברואר 19 - 00:18
Maybe the national team owners and members of a nation could bid using a pool of credits combined by what everyone is willing to donate( they get it back if country wins) and if they win they and the managers with the 3 or so biggest stadiums would get small financial boosts for hosting games similar to hosting a cup championship (games would only be managed by top 3 stadiums if nt manager is international or bot). Also a country that host would not be able to host for 10 tournaments or 40 years and the region (maybe based on scouts regions) that hosts could not host for the next 3 tournaments or 12 years.
us Harry9k