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אנגלית >> תחרויות

U21 League (34)

au Mr Legs >> יום שישי מרץ 8 - 07:08
Just noticed an U21 league tab has appeared on the league page. Is this starting anytime soon, or do we have to wait for enuff U21 squads in the country - only 4 U21 squads listed in league for Oz.
au Mr Legs
nl Vincent de Boer >> יום שישי מרץ 8 - 07:10
It will start next season, you only need two teams with a youth squad to be able to play U21 matches in your league.
nl Vincent de Boer
מפתח ראשי
sco Arno Wiersma >> יום שישי מרץ 8 - 10:01
I noticed the tab as well. How will the U21 matches be organized?
- Is there a fixed schedule? Or do managers have to challenge other teams themselves?
- How will be dealt with new U21 teams during the season, or U21 teams that are disbanded?
sco Arno Wiersma
tr Antunes Azevedo >> יום שישי מרץ 8 - 11:06
how will it gonna be in the leagues that only two or three teams has U21 teams ?
tr Antunes Azevedo
nl Vincent de Boer >> יום שישי מרץ 8 - 11:42
I will add more about this in the help today
nl Vincent de Boer
מפתח ראשי
nl Vincent de Boer >> יום שישי מרץ 8 - 15:28
You can read more here:
nl Vincent de Boer
מפתח ראשי
it matteo94 >> יום שישי מרץ 8 - 15:34
But in the championship will earn 500 experience points per game as one of the great or less?
it matteo94
it Pisa Sporting Club
nl Vincent de Boer >> יום שישי מרץ 8 - 15:45
I'm not sure I understand what you mean... normal league gives 500 xp per match, U21 league gives 450 xp per match.
nl Vincent de Boer
מפתח ראשי
pl Ace >> יום שני מרץ 11 - 18:54
The HELP section explains a lot. It is generally well prepared. As is this whole website. I am impressed ;-)
pl Ace
it Fresty >> יום רביעי מרץ 13 - 07:44
Hi Vincent, great explanations in the help article. I just have a question: if I loose the U21 team during the season, and I build it again after some weeks in the same season, could I have my old matches back?
it Fresty
nl Vincent de Boer >> יום רביעי מרץ 13 - 10:57
Hi Fresty,

Your matches are kept, you just dissapear from the list and will not be given new opponents. You can drop in and out of the competition as often as you consider necessary.
nl Vincent de Boer
מפתח ראשי
pl Ace >> יום ראשון מרץ 17 - 08:23
That is really convinient. It adds another source of experience for youth players, thus improving their development.
Plus, moving in and out of U-21 competition, is really well-thought. I will enjoy this competition a lot.
pl Ace
fr jophilo >> יום שני אפריל 1 - 17:07

i have a u21 team. i'll playing in french 3.1 league. matches are scheduled... but when i clic on the league to see all the teams, i can't see mine. Why my team isn't in the league tab ?
fr jophilo
fi hat3breeder >> יום שני אפריל 1 - 23:42
jophilo.. your u21 team is playing league level 1.. Same as mine
fi hat3breeder
fr jophilo >> יום שלישי אפריל 2 - 12:43
thanks ;). i don't know why it's say i'm in league 3.1...thanks again.
fr jophilo