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חזור לרשימת הפורמים

Season 48 (50)

eng Stephen >> שבת אוקטובר 19 - 07:31, ערוך שבת אוקטובר 19 - 07:35

A new season is upon us. After a disappointing season, Seaburn Beach have had a long hard look at themselves. After that, manager Stephen decided to do, um... well, pretty much nothing. Almost exactly the same team as last campaign will go out to try and recapture the league title and reclaim the cup too. There’ll be no defence of the U21 Cup though, as last season’s U21 GK is, somewhat inconsiderately, now 22.

I imagine that the Geriatricos of Candas will still be challenging this season and perhaps this could be the season that Deeprijay Town make a real impression too?

We welcome Kezza back to join us in the top flight, but bid a tearful farewell to Cloughie. Hopefully, he’ll be back soon!

eng Stephen
אדמיניסטרטור ראשי
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Candas Djemal >> שבת אוקטובר 19 - 15:01

The Geriatricos. Alan Hansen was correct, yo can't win anything with kids.

eng Candas Djemal
fo BakerMan >> יום שני אוקטובר 21 - 17:19

Anticipating a year of...pretty much the same as last year - not good enough to challenge at the top, good enough to hold on in the top 4 or 5. Got through a tough draw in the first round in Europe, only to get an equally tough draw for the second round - hopefully get through that and onwards to the group stages. 

fo BakerMan
sy Al Qamşīyah FC
eng Yid >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 22 - 16:39

Wow!!! Not quite the result i was looking for in my first home game :(

Hope the season gets better than this lol.

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
eng Yid >> יום שני אוקטובר 28 - 16:58

I think i will just give up now when i can't even beat a team that is almost 2 balls weaker than me at home. My 7+ forward can't even score against a defence and keeper no better than mine with hardley any specials apart from one player. They have just 2 shots on target and score 1. Yes they have two decent mids but that is about all. It just makes the whole point of training your players and having a better team compleaty pointless. 

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
eng Candas Djemal >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 29 - 11:34

How's your Power and Speed going?

eng Candas Djemal
eng Yid >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 29 - 16:22

I do need a new keeper i know that but my power and speed throughout the team does not look that bad (granted it could be better). Mostly high 4's and 5's, But i haven't really spent anything on the squad for a few seasons because i have been saving for my 200k stadium but now that is building i can hopefully improve the squad before looking at getting FA2. 

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
eng Candas Djemal >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 29 - 18:32

This game is based too much on facilities than winning. It is not a facilities competition but a i'm here to win the title challenge. Isn't that what it's all about? You have to ask yourself are my facilities the best in the world that i'm going to dominate the game for a long time. If not then the focus must be the market. Yes there is a fear to buy high value old players  because the team will lose a lot of value. Wht does value win you though. Attractivness? Anyways which team here are willing to fight Real Madrid C.F? I don't see it but with a bit of saving we will try, even if it lasts 1 season! 

eng Candas Djemal
eng Yid >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 29 - 19:09

I hope to be able to get into a posistion to keep producing my own players and be competative at a higher level rather then rely on keep buying old players. This is what i have done ever since i started playing this game. It has got me this far so hopefully it can take me further but will shall see. 

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
eng Candas Djemal >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 29 - 21:18

I started the same way just like everyone. I never won anything and was stuck in Division 2. Then i remembered what Vince said since i was working with him. "The Transfer Market!" Since then, Play Off win Division 2, 4th Div 1, 2nd and 1st and currently 1st. I don't like to hope. We only have 1 life, I prefer the "Hammering it Home" attitude. It true though, the standard may get higher later and it will be entirely possible we struggle. 

eng Candas Djemal
eng Stephen >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 29 - 21:31

@Yid - Vincent has always said that this is a slow game. In other words, you have to balance long term strategy against short term success. If you’re willing to sacrifice some long term benefits then it’s really easy in the current market to find some decent old players and quickly improve your side. If you do it right, you can make a real impact.

The downside of this strategy is that I think you’d have to be constantly evaluating the team, working out who needs replacing before they reach that tipping point where their skills start declining in a way that means they will soon cease to be great players and become also-rans. Only the kind of also-ran that means you can’t recoup much money on them.

Maybe there’s a happy medium you can strike? Once you have stadium 11 up and running you should find your cash flow much improved!

eng Stephen
אדמיניסטרטור ראשי
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Yid >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 29 - 22:37

I will be dipping in the market for sure as well. I know I can't just rely on my youth coming through. So there will be improvements to the squad before FA2 becomes my main priority. 

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
il Numpty >> יום רביעי נובמבר 6 - 13:40

Numpty sneaks past security and tiptoes into the level 1 managers' lounge. 

Looks around with astonishment at all the posh furniture and gazes longingly at the bar. Gives a few admiring glances to the buxom wench polishing the silverware.

Sneaks out again. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> יום חמישי נובמבר 7 - 16:09

We need to sack our security people.

In other news, Seaburn Beach were absolutely schooled in their CL match today, losing 5-0 at home. It didn't help that the Beach's no. 1 GK was taken off injured, but given the score was already 0-2 at that point, I don't think it made any difference to the outcome apart from turning a certain defeat into a hammering. It's going to be tricky to finish even third in the group from here.

eng Stephen
אדמיניסטרטור ראשי
eng Seaburn Beach
fo BakerMan >> יום שני נובמבר 11 - 22:09

Well it's the halfway point and so far league going well - tantalisingly close to the top before the inevitable fall in the second half, though have played away to the other top 4 teams, so you never know...

Disappointing to lose in the cup in a very tight game away to Nottingham Forest and slightly irritating failure to qualify for the European League groups - got all the way to the final playoff round, then unlucky 1-0 defeats in both legs - 23 shots and 11 on target with 0 goals for me, 9 shots, 3 on target and 2 goals for them - met a goalkeeper on top form in both games.

Still in the Youth Cup (until tomorrow at least) so maybe a trophy will come to Hamlin Lane this season...

fo BakerMan
sy Al Qamşīyah FC