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חזור לרשימת הפורמים

Season 55 (22)

nl Upstairsnl >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 13 - 08:40

There we go again.

unfortunately only 8 teams with managers. I wish you all a great season, especially in Europe.

Thank you for letting me the bc of Iceland. Playing in the same poule as Netherlands and Portugal, it will be a heavy task to qualify for the Worldchampionship.

nl Upstairsnl
tv TUV-Upstairs
fr rouquin >> יום רביעי אוקטובר 14 - 18:15

Hi, good championship everyone, we will do our best for Europe but I don't believe in it much, more like last season, a little lap and then bye bye

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
be Frans >> יום שישי אוקטובר 16 - 03:59

for everybody,have a good championship

be Frans
is Cheetahs
fr rouquin >> יום שישי אוקטובר 16 - 18:07

thank you...

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr rouquin >> שבת אוקטובר 17 - 09:26

It's not 8 managers but 7 Roninluke has not logged in for a long time

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr rouquin >> יום ראשון אוקטובר 18 - 08:00

Not yet started that already finished for me .... bye bye Europe

Good luck to others.....

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr rouquin >> יום ראשון אוקטובר 18 - 22:53

We will wait for the draw for Kroko's, hoping he had a little better luck;)

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr rouquin >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 20 - 17:10

No surprise 0/1 loss

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr rouquin >> יום חמישי אוקטובר 22 - 21:41

That's it for me :(

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
nl Upstairsnl >> יום שישי אוקטובר 23 - 19:48

It is, what it is. 

nl Upstairsnl
tv TUV-Upstairs
fr rouquin >> יום שישי אוקטובר 23 - 23:43

For Europe Upstairsnl ...

Good luck to you Bobstar...

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr rouquin >> יום שני אוקטובר 26 - 13:18

Congratulations Bobstar, for the two victories in Europe

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
nl Upstairsnl >> יום שני אוקטובר 26 - 15:19

well donw bobstar!

nl Upstairsnl
tv TUV-Upstairs
nl Upstairsnl >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 27 - 08:18

Dear friends,

I am sorry to let you know that I have decided to leave Iceland.

Main reason is that I want to move with my first team from The Netherlands. It is not allowed to do so when having a second team.

I like building teams with young people, but in NL I am not able even to stay on second level by doing so. In Iceland I am still not able to really compete with the top four, although I have a great team.

So, I decided that I will move to an Ocean country where 8 out of 10 teams play international and for my second team I am still looking. That team has to start from zero, but that will be fun too.

Thank you for the great time. I wish you all the best.

I will do my upmost best with Iceland national team. The first two matches were a draw.

nl Upstairsnl
tv TUV-Upstairs
is Bobstar >> יום שלישי אוקטובר 27 - 11:04

Sorry to see you go Upstairs, but i get it. Myself totally not motivated for this game, it is a game of economics and currently just trying to get money for TG lvl 14, absolutely not doable. There is also no tactics in this game. Hope you find what you are looking for Upstairs.

The 2 wins for Europe were really nice, but now I will be playing a giant with a 27* striker so bye bye Europe ;-)

is Bobstar