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Engleski >> Općenito

Retirement of older players (443)

ru Ebitimi >> utorak srpanj 9 - 07:42

If only we could borrow money from the bank 🏦 🥺

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
ee onuelver >> utorak srpanj 9 - 22:01, Izmjenjeno utorak srpanj 9 - 22:02

If there was financial control that will fine debt-riden club with minus points and relegations plus unlicensing for continental cups then let's go. 😁You can already get money from bank for players that nobody wants. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
tr TT >> ponedjeljak srpanj 22 - 16:22

I need help to upgrade my stadium. Now I lost my 100m worth GK. I am broke..

tr TT
eng Notorious Gods
ee Balthazor >> ponedjeljak srpanj 22 - 17:58

Do you mean this keeper?

He would bring maybe 30M € in best case. Your only way to up is reorganizing your youth politics. Oldies have lost their value, maybe you can get their "market value" from some bot or someone buys them for new staff. Promote young players to first team, rotate other youngsters in u21 league to maximize their experience, rise skills and value. Sell almost all oldies, only 21+ worth to keeping is Toner. Yes, you will probably fall to bottom league but through adequate youth developing you can start to earn money from sells. It will surely take some seasons because current youngsters have lost lot of experience. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng ipfreely >> utorak srpanj 23 - 17:17, Izmjenjeno utorak srpanj 23 - 17:18

@TT Save all money for stadium 9/10/11 and sell a few players to save/raise cash. In a couple of years you could have stadium 11 and just buy a better GK if it happens again.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
tr TT >> četvrtak srpanj 25 - 21:16

Hopefully I will have enough money to upgrade my stadium at the end of this season. Literally the money is in youth players as I see. I should get more playing time to them but also be able to compete. Thank you guys for good advices. 

tr TT
eng Notorious Gods
wal Paul H >> ponedjeljak kolovoz 12 - 09:24

This may have been asked before but when you get the message that your keeper is going to retire soon does that mean it will be at the end of that season. 
Apologies if it has been asked. 

wal Paul H
au The Red Dragon
il Numpty >> ponedjeljak kolovoz 12 - 09:39

You get 43 days from the date of the message., which is less than a season.

Your keeper retires on 18th September.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
wal Paul H >> ponedjeljak kolovoz 12 - 09:50


wal Paul H
au The Red Dragon
lv Dainix >> ponedjeljak kolovoz 12 - 15:48

Paul H>> Look at the player profile for retirement date.

lv Dainix
lv SK Latgols
wal Paul H >> ponedjeljak kolovoz 12 - 18:30

Thanks Dainix

wal Paul H
au The Red Dragon
lu Smooker >> ponedjeljak kolovoz 12 - 18:34

i have a question... can someone tell me where are my players from the team stastics are gone...? nr. 50 had once over 200 games in his career, but now there are many players under that 200... it starts by around 150 games now... i look often that statistics and that never happened before, but why they delete so many players...? i am a big fan of statistics, but when they delete players when ever they want, that really destroys my fun about it..

lu Smooker
lu Go Ahead Eagles Beaufort
eng ipfreely >> ponedjeljak kolovoz 12 - 22:37

Yes looks like there's been a big clear-out; loads of my 2nd-team youths that were sold to the bank are gone.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
be Eckhart >> ponedjeljak kolovoz 12 - 23:28

Oh wow Smooker, you are correct in this one. Seen that some historically old players from my team also got deleted fromthe stats list. Lets hope its a bug :( 

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
il Numpty >> utorak kolovoz 13 - 09:13, Izmjenjeno utorak kolovoz 13 - 09:32

Firstly, I don't believe that this is a bug. Lots of old players do get removed from the game on a fairly regular basis. 

Yes it's annoying, but it's probably a necessary part of the game's maintenance. 

The most recent player promoted today has the player number 2893319, which means that we've had nearly 2.9 million players generated since the game started. I would assume that the game databases need to be kept manageable for both space and performance reasons.  Without doing that some parts of the game would inevitably get slower over time. 

The old players that do get removed won't be a random selection but will almost certainly follow a definite pattern.

What I don't know for sure is which players avoid being culled and which ones don't. But as far as I can determine the key factor is their final club before some form of retirement. If a player ends up at a bot club or eventually becomes a bot then they are very likely to get culled at some point in the future. If a player's final club has a manager then they remain part of the game while the manager is still there.  

I may be wrong about this, but if you do wish to keep all your old players available in your club statistics then the only way to ensure this is to keep them as staff or sell them to the bank and not to sell them to another club. For those with VIP the player hall of fame probably also retains players in the game that might otherwise get removed. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets