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Ovo je forum za engleski jezik. Ukoliko ovdje želiš nešto objaviti, služi se ovim jezikom. Odgovori i teme na drugim jezicima bit će uklonjeni bez pitanja. Probleme koje uočiš na igrici objavi na forumu za prijavu grešaka, a ostale teme otvaraj na za to odgovarajućem dijelu.

Engleski >> Nogomet

Random Chat (244)

eng holt >> nedjelja ožujak 19 - 15:21
Anyone watches Test Cricket here ?
eng holt
Novi korisnik
eng Stephen >> nedjelja ožujak 19 - 15:29
Yes, I do. Usually only the England ones though.
eng Stephen
Glavni administrator
eng Seaburn Beach
eng holt >> nedjelja ožujak 19 - 15:59
So you following the Australian one ?
eng holt
Novi korisnik
eng Stephen >> nedjelja ožujak 19 - 17:03
Only casually. I only checked the score after you mentioned it. Seems like it's moved on a bit since yesterday!
eng Stephen
Glavni administrator
eng Seaburn Beach
wal Hudson >> nedjelja ožujak 19 - 18:04
Rugby Union anybody?
wal Hudson
Novi korisnik
eng holt >> ponedjeljak ožujak 20 - 13:28
Australia were absolutely stupid.They could have easily won the test.Why did they not declare with one over left to bowl ? Even though it sounds like bad sportsmanship,they could have won the test.
eng holt
Novi korisnik
ee Taavi >> ponedjeljak ožujak 20 - 18:09
How did i not see this thread? I love random
ee Taavi
Administrator zajednice
ee FC Pusa
eng Stephen >> ponedjeljak ožujak 20 - 18:57
@Holt - what? How could they have won? They did well to draw.
eng Stephen
Glavni administrator
eng Seaburn Beach
eng holt >> utorak ožujak 21 - 11:30
By the last over,Australia had a lead of about 50 runs.Why did they not declare then,leaving India an impossible task of scoring 50-odd runs in one or two overs ?
eng holt
Novi korisnik
ee Taavi >> utorak ožujak 21 - 11:48
Guys did you know pidgeons can do math?

A New Zealand study suggests pigeons can distinguish between groups of different-numbered objects
ee Taavi
Administrator zajednice
ee FC Pusa
eng Stephen >> utorak ožujak 21 - 11:55, Izmjenjeno utorak ožujak 21 - 11:56
@Holt - that's not how it works. It's not one day cricket. The only reason the sides agreed a draw was because there was no reasonable prospect of bowling Australia out and then chase down a target.

@Taavi - are they using calculators or is this mental arithmetic?
eng Stephen
Glavni administrator
eng Seaburn Beach
eng holt >> utorak ožujak 21 - 12:21
@Stephen This kind of event did take place.It was the 2000 test between SA and England,though the SA captain match-fixed(Cronjie).
eng holt
Novi korisnik
ee Taavi >> utorak ožujak 21 - 12:36
@Stephen They make them do taxes
ee Taavi
Administrator zajednice
ee FC Pusa
eng Stephen >> utorak ožujak 21 - 15:49
@Holt - That's completely different, though, isn't it? You suggested Australia should declare to win. I say that's not right. You then imply it's been done before through match-fixing. I agree, if both sides had agreed to fix the outcome, Australia could have won. However, thankfully that didn't happen.

@Taavi - Excellent. I have some complicated insurance forms to complete. Maybe they could help with that?
eng Stephen
Glavni administrator
eng Seaburn Beach