Forum: Engleski rss-feed

Ovo je forum za engleski jezik. Ukoliko ovdje želiš nešto objaviti, služi se ovim jezikom. Odgovori i teme na drugim jezicima bit će uklonjeni bez pitanja. Probleme koje uočiš na igrici objavi na forumu za prijavu grešaka, a ostale teme otvaraj na za to odgovarajućem dijelu.

Engleski >> Natjecanja

League of the Philippines/NT of the Philippines (1416)

ph meow the cat >> utorak lipanj 8 - 13:33

Yep, after selling players we don't need anymore, we got enough funds to finally upgrade.

ph meow the cat
ua Garfman >> četvrtak lipanj 24 - 09:30

Congratulations Holy Flora for the title!

Also congratulations to Davao Griffins, FC Champions and FC Quezon City for reaching the CL and AL. I'm hoping that everyone will gather a lots of points, so we can surpass Uzbekistan in the rankings next season. 

What are your plans for the off-season? 

Plans for Garfman FC are quite considerable. We're planning to get rid of half the defense and some other players, to aid in revamping our squad to challenge for the title in the future.

ua Garfman
Glavni administrator zajednice
ph Garfman FC
ph meow the cat >> ponedjeljak prosinac 6 - 08:43

It's a new season coming and we would like to inform everyone that for the first time in our management of the team under me, we finished 4th last season. This would guarantee us that we are able to receive a slot for Asian League Qualifying Round 2.

We also had some radical moves during transfer especially in the midfield. As our players are getting old, we need to sell some to allow newcomers to be in the team.

ph meow the cat
ua Garfman >> ponedjeljak prosinac 13 - 08:31

Congratulations! That was an amazing achievement :-) Onwards and upwards :-)

ua Garfman
Glavni administrator zajednice
ph Garfman FC
ua Garfman >> ponedjeljak prosinac 13 - 08:32


01: 22,32 (29,3) - Davao Griffins

02: 19,68 (21,7) - Holy Flora

03: 15,59 (21,6) - Garfman FC

04: 12,85 (26,6) - FC Quezon City

05: 11,75 (31,1) - FC Champions

06: 10,37 (29,6) - Manila FC #2

07: 9,63 (28,9) - General Emilio Aguinaldo FC

08: 9,51 (26,4) - Super Manila FC

09: 6,23 (26,4) - Cubao FC

10: 5,45 (33,4) - Dingle Holdet 2 FC


01: 7,20 (25,9) - GenSan City FC

02: 5,64 (28,4) - FC Cebu 04

03: 4,58 (31,0) - Cavite FC

04: 4,19 (30,2) - Awesome people FC

05: 4,05 (32,9) - Katangawan FC

06: 3,88 (32,3) - Obando FC

07: 3,79 (32,3) - Guagua FC

08: 3,71 (32,6) - Marikina FC

09: 3,13 (26,4) - Cainta FC

10: 2,88 (26,4) - Mantampay FC


01: 3,36 (31) - Taguig FC

02: 2,57 (26,6) - Mati FC

03: 2,51 (25,9) - Quiapo FC

04: 2,48 (26,1) - Mati FC #2

05: 2,45 (25,6) - Manila FC #7

06: 2,44 (25,7) - Molave FC

07: 2,40 (26,3) - General Santos FC #2

08: 2,37 (26,1) - Quezon City FC #3

09: 2,23 (25,7) - Cavite City FC

10: 2,21 (24,8) - Budta FC #2


01: 2,90 (25,6) - Lala FC

02: 2,86 (26,4) - Ormoc FC

03: 2,59 (26,4) - Budta FC

04: 2,58 (25,1) - Pasig City FC

05: 2,56 (26,2) - Malingao FC #3

06: 2,49 (23,6) - Palompon FC

07: 2,41 (26,7) - Tagum FC

08: 2,37 (26,1) - Panalanoy FC #2

09: 2,34 (25,6) - Calamba FC

10: 2,27 (26) - Aguisan FC



03: 32.40M - 03: 273.68M - Davao Griffins

08: 116.38M - 08: 744.02M - Holy Flora

12: 571.99M - 13: 931.85M - Garfman FC

03: 162.84M - 05: 66.92M - FC Quezon City

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - FC Champions

01: 35.44M - 01: 09.59M - Manila FC #2

01: 22.54M - 00: 00.00M - General Emilio Aguinaldo FC

00: 00.00M - 10: 102.29M - Super Manila FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Cubao FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Dingle Holdet 2 FC


01: 03.09M - 00: 00.00M - GenSan City FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - FC Cebu 04

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Cavite FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Awesome people FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Katangawan FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Obando FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Guagua FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Marikina FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Cainta FC

00: 00.00M - 01: 00.02M - Mantampay FC


00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Taguig FC

00: 00.00M - 02: 00.05M - Mati FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Quiapo FC

00: 00.00M - 01: 00.03M - Mati FC #2

00: 00.00M - 03: 00.67M - Manila FC #7

00: 00.00M - 02: 00.03M - Molave FC

00: 00.00M - 02: 00.06M - General Santos FC #2

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Quezon City FC #3

00: 00.00M - 01: 00.03M - Cavite City FC

00: 00.00M - 02: 00.04M - Budta FC #2


00: 00.00M - 01: 00.04M - Lala FC

01: 02.37M - 02: 00.07M - Ormoc FC

00: 00.00M - 02: 00.69M - Budta FC

00: 00.00M - 02: 00.06M - Pasig City FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Malingao FC #3

01: 06.32M - 00: 00.00M - Palompon FC

00: 00.00M - 01: 00.03M - Tagum FC

00: 00.00M - 02: 00.72M - Panalanoy FC #2

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Calamba FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Aguisan FC

ua Garfman
Glavni administrator zajednice
ph Garfman FC
ua Garfman >> četvrtak veljača 3 - 15:50

With thanks to Starlite!



01: 22,04 (28,6) - Davao Griffins

02: 21,53 (22,6) - Holy Flora

03: 15,70 (21,7) - Garfman FC

04: 14,03 (24,6) - FC Quezon City

05: 10,38 (32,1) - FC Champions

06: 10,30 (29,4) - Manila FC #2

07: 9,39 (26,6) - Super Manila FC

08: 8,85 (29,8) - General Emilio Aguinaldo FC

09: 7,44 (26,9) - GenSan City FC

10: 6,07 (27,4) - Cubao FC


01: 5,47 (29,0) - FC Cebu 04

02: 4,91 (35,4) - Quezon City FC #3

03: 4,45 (32,0) - Cavite FC

04: 4,07 (31,1) - Awesome people FC

05: 3,97 (32,9) - Katangawan FC

06: 3,77 (33,3) - Obando FC

07: 3,67 (32,1) - Guagua FC

08: 3,63 (33,6) - Marikina FC

09: 3,35 (30,8) - Taguig FC

10: 2,93 (26,8) - Lala FC


01: 3,43 (28,0) - Mantampay FC

02: 3,10 (27,4) - Ormoc FC

03: 2,82 (27,8) - Mati FC

04: 2,76 (26,9) - Quiapo FC

05: 2,76 (26,4) - Mati FC #2

06: 2,67 (26,7) - Molave FC

07: 2,66 (27,1) - General Santos FC #2

08: 2,61 (27,1) - Quezon City FC #3

09: 2,50 (25,9) - Budta FC #2

10: 2,47 (26,7) - Cavite City FC


01: 3,28 (27,4) - Cainta FC

02: 2,98 (26,2) - Panalanoy FC #2

03: 2,86 (27,4) - Budta FC

04: 2,85 (26,1) - Pasig City FC

05: 2,82 (24,6) - Palompon FC

06: 2,81 (27,1) - Malingao FC #3

07: 2,67 (26,6) - Manila FC #7

08: 2,66 (27,7) - Tagum FC

09: 2,61 (25,9) - Calamba FC

10: 2,54 (26,4) - Aguisan FC



02: 204.40M - 03: 357.09M - Davao Griffins

08: 118.04M - 09: 436.74M - Holy Flora

07: 73.90M - 04: 274.17M - Garfman FC

04: 202.98M - 07: 99.74M - FC Quezon City

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - FC Champions

01: 25.86M - 03: 23.31M - Manila FC #2

00: 00.00M - 06: 76.30M - Super Manila FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - General Emilio Aguinaldo FC

01: 03.91M - 00: 00.00M - GenSan City FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Cubao FC


00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - FC Cebu 04

00: 00.00M - 04: 01.25M - Quezon City FC #3

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Cavite FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Awesome people FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Katangawan FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Obando FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Guagua FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Marikina FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Taguig FC

00: 00.00M - 01: 00.05M - Lala FC


01: 03.59M - 01: 00.68M - Mantampay FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Ormoc FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Mati FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Quiapo FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Mati FC #2

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Molave FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - General Santos FC #2

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Quezon City FC #3

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Budta FC #2

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Cavite City FC


00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Cainta FC

01: 09.76M - 01: 00.04M - Panalanoy FC #2

00: 00.00M - 01: 00.02M - Budta FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Pasig City FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Palompon FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Malingao FC #3

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Manila FC #7

00: 00.00M - 01: 00.03M - Tagum FC

00: 00.00M - 02: 00.77M - Calamba FC

00: 00.00M - 00: 00.00M - Aguisan FC

ua Garfman
Glavni administrator zajednice
ph Garfman FC
ph meow the cat >> ponedjeljak veljača 7 - 13:05

With all the radical changes we did in the player transfer period, I believe we can close up with the big three teams. Everything is possible.

ph meow the cat