Forum: Engleski rss-feed

Ovo je forum za engleski jezik. Ukoliko ovdje želiš nešto objaviti, služi se ovim jezikom. Odgovori i teme na drugim jezicima bit će uklonjeni bez pitanja. Probleme koje uočiš na igrici objavi na forumu za prijavu grešaka, a ostale teme otvaraj na za to odgovarajućem dijelu.

Engleski >> Pitanja

national team run by bots and roster updates? (2)

ca viktor >> ponedjeljak lipanj 3 - 18:17
i was wondering how often national teams run by bots update their rosters?
i think my newly created team could have a few nt players (weak nt but still nt) just wondering how long it would take to really know if they are nt level.
ca viktor
es Maragator >> ponedjeljak lipanj 3 - 19:33
es Maragator
es Real Astorga