Forum: Engleski rss-feed

Ovo je forum za engleski jezik. Ukoliko ovdje želiš nešto objaviti, služi se ovim jezikom. Odgovori i teme na drugim jezicima bit će uklonjeni bez pitanja. Probleme koje uočiš na igrici objavi na forumu za prijavu grešaka, a ostale teme otvaraj na za to odgovarajućem dijelu.

Engleski >> Pitanja

Match Plans (3)

eng Buster >> utorak studeni 27 - 15:38

i know it is probably right in front of me but where do I change match plans?

eng Buster
nl Koen >> utorak studeni 27 - 15:59

It is. If you go to the screen where you manage the line-up for a match, there is a box at the top left of the pitch where you have some advanced options. It is one of those options.

nl Koen
Novi korisnik
eng Buster >> utorak studeni 27 - 22:45

Thank you never realised that but much appreciated it is easy when you know where to find it. Cheers!

eng Buster