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Engleski >> Pitanja

New sponsorship deals - buying with credits (8)

eng Tottenham Hotspur >> ponedjeljak listopad 7 - 16:01
Hi guys

I've just seen the new sponsorship deals where you can buy coins for credits and I would LOVE to be able to buy some (even as a one-off offer) in order to upgrade my stadium and some other buildings which I can't yet afford and which seems to be taking ages to acrue the necessary balance for so my question is, how long will this offer remain please? It seems I'm unable to buy more credits until November and it's really frustrating as I've recently 'built' a new player for 150 credits. Had this offer been available then, I'd not have done so and brought money instead.

So is it possible to buy some more credits please now or do I REALLY have to wait all that time to buy some more? I only bought 4 VIP tickets last time. Again with hindsight I wish I'd got more but I was very new to the game. SO frustrating to see this now and yet be unable to take advantage of this. Oh well my own fault I suppose. If there's SOME way to let us buy vouchers or something purely for coins rather than VIP or something else then PLEASE let me know. I'd be kneeling at your feet. lol

Oh well unlikely but as the expression goes, if you don't ask, you don't get. :D

Thanks, Nick
eng Tottenham Hotspur
cn 卷心菜 >> ponedjeljak listopad 7 - 16:30
you could consider prolonging your vip for as long as possible. each time you prolong your vip cou get some credits depending on the vip level.
cn 卷心菜
Novi korisnik
eng Tottenham Hotspur >> ponedjeljak listopad 7 - 16:33
Yes that's true, Bullseye. I bought 2 star VIP at the time and used the other voucher to prolongue the time, which is why I now can't buy any more, it seems, until November. That wouldn't have been a problem for me as I'm happy with level 2 - it's what I chose at the time of course, but now I've seen this new sponsorship stuff, it's like being in the Sahara with an oasis right infront of me and my ankle tied to a tree - well the tree would be in the oasis so not a very good analogy but you know what I mean. lol
eng Tottenham Hotspur
eng Tottenham Hotspur >> ponedjeljak listopad 7 - 16:44
Actually I've just realised - you can STILL buy VIP vouchers, you just can't exchange them for credits for 2 months but you do get them with added VIP status/extra VIP time - didn't realise that but it's obvious now I think about it, that's what you were telling me, right Bullseye? Sorry for the misunderstanding.
eng Tottenham Hotspur
cn 卷心菜 >> ponedjeljak listopad 7 - 17:28
Yes that's it, a voucher for credits is only once every two months but you can extend your VIP.
cn 卷心菜
Novi korisnik
eng Tottenham Hotspur >> utorak listopad 8 - 10:41
So that's what I've done - extended to 3 star until next June ... so in November I can just use the credit one again but at least now I can hopefully start getting a bit more competitive. Once my stadium's done in just under 2 days now, I need to decide what to do next - fan shop, youth centre, upgrade my injury centre or what? Decisions, decisions. lol
eng Tottenham Hotspur
nl Koen >> utorak listopad 8 - 12:32
And the latter part my friend, is what this game is all about! ;) Have fun!
nl Koen
Novi korisnik
eng Tottenham Hotspur >> utorak listopad 8 - 13:07
It is indeed, Koen. lol. I also need to try to learn more about advance tactics, starting lineups, substitutions and so on. I know how to set them, just never sure the best one(s) to use. Would help if we had a way to see what starting lineups our opponents were using - I mean 442, 343 or whatever rather than their actual players but then they could change those at some point presumably so not sure if that would help or not but hey ho, like you rightly say, what the game's all about. Guess when I get time it's back to the help files and trawling through the forums trying to glean a few snippets. :D
eng Tottenham Hotspur