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Anglais >> Discussion générale

BUG team report. (9)

gd Black Panther >> mercredi septembre 21 - 08:02


Date Player From team To team Transfer fee september 15 2022 A. Parker Hunan billows FC Ouagadougou #6 $ 30 705 563 september 15 2022 B. Mengfu Sun of Alres   $ 25 000 000 september 15 2022 E. Severns Sun of Alres   $ 25 000 000 september 14 2022 C. Santorio FC Ouagadougou #6   $ 350 000 000

FC Ouagadougou #6, $350000000. every year every time.

gd Black Panther
bf Wakanda
ua Garfman >> mercredi septembre 21 - 08:27

You can report bugs here:

I would also suggest explaining more clearly what the bug is, because this report is not clear.

ua Garfman
Chef Administrateur de communauté
ph Garfman FC
il Numpty >> mercredi septembre 21 - 08:58, Modifié mercredi septembre 21 - 08:59

FC Ouagadougou #6 is a bot team. 

Bots can sell players directly to the bank. That's legitimate. It just makes some bot teams rather rich and affects no-one.

Bot teams can also sell players that are useless to them to "the bank". These players will not move to a new team but are removed from the game. The bot team will get money for them that they can spend on buying new players. In contrary to human managers, bot teams can sell to the bank without adding the players to the transfer list first.

The real issue that's been raised many times before is they use their money to buy players at silly prices, which gifts huge amounts at random to a few very lucky managers. 

This makes a complete mockery of the game and the hard work of most of the other managers - and also the review process becomes rather pointless. 

That's the issue that needs to be fixed urgently.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
gd Black Panther >> jeudi septembre 22 - 05:15, Modifié jeudi septembre 22 - 12:12

Do not allow bot teams to sell players to the bank for more than $25,000,000. Buying players at high prices also needs to be reviewed.

gd Black Panther
bf Wakanda
eng Dragontao >> jeudi septembre 22 - 08:33

It's not exactly a bug, it's more a "feature".

Somehow think this isn't going to be addressed any time in the next ...

... erring on the side of cautious optimism ... 

... millennium.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
il Numpty >> jeudi septembre 22 - 10:37

Exactly, it's not a bug. 

In any event the amount of money that bot teams get when selling their players to the bank is largely irrelevant. It's how they spend it that matters.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
gd Black Panther >> dimanche octobre 9 - 11:43
Today E. Salom Banikoara FC Ouagadougou #6 $ 112 340 406

Value 12.00, $112 340 406. -_-

gd Black Panther
bf Wakanda
gd Black Panther >> dimanche octobre 9 - 11:50
Yesterday F. Boubane FC Aranciano FC Ouagadougou #6 $ 162 169 363

Age: 32, Market value (Estimate)$ 148 139 000, cost $ 162 169 363.

gd Black Panther
bf Wakanda
ch UFRAspieler >> dimanche octobre 9 - 12:42

Happens so often. I wonder how i could get bots bidding on my players :P

ch UFRAspieler
de United Friends of RA