Forum: Engleski rss-feed

Ovo je forum za engleski jezik. Ukoliko ovdje želiš nešto objaviti, služi se ovim jezikom. Odgovori i teme na drugim jezicima bit će uklonjeni bez pitanja. Probleme koje uočiš na igrici objavi na forumu za prijavu grešaka, a ostale teme otvaraj na za to odgovarajućem dijelu.

Engleski >> Pitanja

Season boundaries for friendlies missions (1)

lv Brudaks >> petak prosinac 7 - 01:13


The missions page lists "The season for friendlies is not the same as the "regular" season. It ends on sunday may 20 - 03:00."  with the tooltip showing that it's may 20 2018, which was for some season long in the past.

What is the boundary for the "friendlies season" now?

lv Brudaks
Novi korisnik