Forum: Engleski rss-feed

Ovo je forum za engleski jezik. Ukoliko ovdje želiš nešto objaviti, služi se ovim jezikom. Odgovori i teme na drugim jezicima bit će uklonjeni bez pitanja. Probleme koje uočiš na igrici objavi na forumu za prijavu grešaka, a ostale teme otvaraj na za to odgovarajućem dijelu.

Engleski >> Prijedlozi

proposed percentage increase of the bank (4)

it ✨⚡✨⚡ >> utorak srpanj 5 - 18:08

in a market that is increasingly difficult to sell, both for lack of users and for lack of money, I find that giving only 5% of the value of a player worth 458,000,000 to the bank (/22,935,000) should increase the percentage at least for high value players (458000000)

it ✨⚡✨⚡
ee onuelver >> utorak srpanj 5 - 21:14

Many sellers are just deluded or don't have serious wish of selling player. Just fishing for luck with rich bot who will give you full market value. 

If you want seriously sell player then you reduce price every day until someone will buy. Most of those "high value players" are worth far less than 100M ofter around 60M! Same time many of bank going players are not actually worth that 23M too. 

I would support fully eliminating of minimum asking price or reducing to at least 25% of "market value". 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
il Numpty >> utorak srpanj 5 - 21:39

I would also support an embargo on selling players if you've been at the club for less than a season... 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Sazz >> utorak srpanj 5 - 22:19

Updates wont happen. But I think reverting it back to what it was (229 max value iirc) will already help quite a bit. Maybe that's on the cards?

nl Sazz
Novi korisnik