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Engleski >> Pitanja

What to do if one of my construction masters is retiring while building level 11 stadium? (3)

mx Aldogs >> srijeda srpanj 6 - 15:26

So I got really unlucky and a week after I stated building my stadium one of my construction masters announce his retirement at the end of the season (this while being 54), I have heard of a really bad bug when changing CM while building things so I'm scared, if that happens to me it's basically game over.

I will appreciate any help :(

mx Aldogs
il Numpty >> srijeda srpanj 6 - 17:04

I can't be 100% certain but I think you'll be okay. Staff leaving in the normal manner shouldn't be a problem. 

For those who do get the problem it's made a lot worse by hiring and firing CMs trying to fix their own problem. 

The best advice I can give you is not to do anything and let him retire naturally. If nothing changes for the worse then you should be okay to replace him with a new CM after he's left. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
mx Aldogs >> srijeda srpanj 6 - 17:21

Thanks, you really save me from making a mistake haha

Let's hope nothing bad happens

mx Aldogs