Albanija liga - 80. sezona

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Season 46 (3)

ee onuelver >> srijeda srpanj 10 - 05:08

Not very lucky draw against team that won every championship on his country and played EL groups every last season with advancing from that mostly. Still hoping at least a point miracle. Next seasons we  have only 3 euro spots again but from Q1 i have hope to start earning points again.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> petak kolovoz 2 - 19:09

In cup final against L2(!) bot only those players can play who can still earn xp from that. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> srijeda kolovoz 7 - 08:00

Supertalent with nice age. It's hard to give him all 20 matches this season but not completely impossible.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back