Austrija liga - 84. sezona

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Season 50 (6)

cn 神话 >> ponedjeljak veljača 3 - 02:39


cn 神话
at FC Barcelona
pt Fenerbahce 430 >> ponedjeljak veljača 3 - 15:18


pt Fenerbahce 430
Novi korisnik
ee Balthazor >> subota veljača 8 - 20:00

This season should bring me my billion, then only 400M to new stadium. So far not worrying too much about league spot and laying mostly on homegrown players. I'm not farming as I am not good in business, my few attempts to grow someone for money ended always badly. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> petak ožujak 6 - 20:50

Only 170M to collect but it will be stretched probably to season 52. With matches like today's there is no hope to survive here, but attendances in L2 will fall seriously. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> petak ožujak 13 - 20:26

4 minutes on playoff position :D at the moment 140M is needed. Several players (mostly older) will be sold and young squad should be not promotion candidate for some next seasons. I made some calculations about squad strength: 29yo players will get chance as staff, majority of 22+ players will be sold. Bretschneider should be good enough keeper for League 2, so the team that may win anyone and lose to anyone and should keep his L2 place some seasons, when stadium will bring more money and I can afford some better youngsters than I can produce. If team starts too well there will be another sale of some players. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> subota ožujak 21 - 10:58

Only one more player to money is enough and year of collecting achieves the goal.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn