Kanada liga - 42. sezona [3.2]

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Razgovaraj o svojoj ligi. Tko je tvoj favorit u ligi ove sezone? Tko će ispasti, a tko ostati u ligi? Kako napreduješ u kupu?

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New Player (2)

sco Votto >> subota studeni 30 - 23:16
Hi everyone. I'm new to this game and was hoping someone had some advice for me. What should I work on first or what is the most important. Thank you for any help getting started.
sco Votto
cl brainbot >> petak prosinac 6 - 03:58
Stadium, money money, young center, training complex, health center, in that order. Don't buy players for now, save money, trying to get good players on loan.

Good Luck.
cl brainbot