Engleska liga - 46. sezona

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Welcome the new guys! (10)

my Kesvick >> četvrtak srpanj 9 - 14:14
Oxbridge FC, now renamed to Imperial FC, and Winchester!
my Kesvick
Novi korisnik
eng coldstar >> petak srpanj 10 - 07:45
Thank you...three new teams this season
eng coldstar
jp Natsumi >> petak srpanj 10 - 11:19, Izmjenjeno petak srpanj 10 - 18:42
Harlow, Imperial and Winchester, good luck you three you are probably gonna need it its tough up here.
jp Natsumi
Novi korisnik
my Kesvick >> petak srpanj 10 - 15:12
I wouldn't worry about it. It will be tough, but I have every confidence that I can stay up.

Also, it's "you are". Not "your". :P
my Kesvick
Novi korisnik
jp Natsumi >> petak srpanj 10 - 18:45, Izmjenjeno petak srpanj 10 - 19:49
Correcting someone's English in public when its not even there first language is rather rude I'd say, imagine if arsen veigar was giving a press conference and someone jumps out and says, no its whom not who.

And no I don't wanna talk about coats thanks
jp Natsumi
Novi korisnik
my Kesvick >> subota srpanj 11 - 00:10, Izmjenjeno subota srpanj 11 - 00:11
Because Arsene Wenger speaks good English. I think he even has an east London twang to it.
my Kesvick
Novi korisnik
my Kesvick >> subota srpanj 11 - 00:11
Also you dwelling on me correcting other people's English...WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? What's wrong with that?

*done in WWE style*
my Kesvick
Novi korisnik
my Kesvick >> subota srpanj 11 - 00:15
In other words...

Hello to you too. *grins*
my Kesvick
Novi korisnik
eng coldstar >> subota srpanj 11 - 07:08
Haven't play against Nasumi for a while...it is fun to give her hard time....
eng coldstar
eng Kezza >> subota srpanj 11 - 19:10
welcome & good luck!
eng Kezza
Novi korisnik