Engleska liga - 70. sezona

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I'll be back! (5)

my Kesvick >> nedjelja ožujak 29 - 22:11
What the topic says!
my Kesvick
Novi korisnik
jp Natsumi >> ponedjeljak ožujak 30 - 18:57
just not anytime this century :P
jp Natsumi
Novi korisnik
za Mister Buckley >> utorak ožujak 31 - 05:45
Careful now babes, he may just be the one to knock you down in the play offs.... The irony that would be

So play nice, as I recall you wanted to quit again just as the season was ending
za Mister Buckley
Novi korisnik
my Kesvick >> utorak ožujak 31 - 11:18, Izmjenjeno utorak ožujak 31 - 11:24
Because I hate losing. I'm incredibly competitive.

Ask Natsumi. :P
my Kesvick
Novi korisnik
jp Natsumi >> srijeda travanj 1 - 14:08
hehe if kesvick is the one to defeat me his gonna die a virgin lol..

joke but I do have my sisters ear, if your gonna come back up i'd aim for the auto promotion darling :P
jp Natsumi
Novi korisnik