Engleska liga - 71. sezona [2]

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Match day 12 (1)

jp Natsumi >> srijeda prosinac 31 - 13:34
Natsumi's Army Scrapped a 1-0 win at home to Catalonia INS, it was a violent affair with both sides lucky to finish with 11 men on the field with some really horrible tackles.

The Pop Princes spoke to us after the match, she was in high spirits and wanted to wish everyone a happy new year.

'Happy New Years folks, was hardly a thriller but we won and last season this same feature we lost, so we improving even if we need to scrap and grind out results, A win is a win and every 3 points pushes us one step closer to our goal of promotion.

The spirited manageress promise all her players a week of ahead of there next game in two weeks time, and later seen giggling among her fans and singing among 'boring boring Natsumi. boring boring Natsumi' How quickly fans can change, just 2 seasons ago the team finished in a all time low of 11th and they wanted her head, they were some boos and jeers last season when they crashed out of the play offs in front of the home crowd but now with 27 points from 12 games, the fans seem to backing the young manageress once more.
jp Natsumi
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