Engleska liga - 71. sezona [2]

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more dissapointment, and another draw for Stoke Town (39)

eng Bolly >> četvrtak travanj 23 - 09:24
you pair are 3rd and 5th and you are complaining you are unlucky!!!!!

Suzumiya haruhi no dan has a monster squad, and is bottom of the league, with 1 point in the last 9 games ( against me).. that is who has a right to maon in my opinion.
eng Bolly
my Kesvick >> četvrtak travanj 23 - 09:51
We say he has a monster squad, but if you notice, his defenders can't block, his midfielders can't really pass, and his strikers can't really shoot. The amount of golden stars on the player screen is what is misleading us.
my Kesvick
Novi korisnik
my Kesvick >> četvrtak travanj 23 - 09:57
Also, I'm never happy unless I win all 38 games in a season. And when I win all 38 games in a season I won't be happy until I don't concede a goal in 38 games. And so on, and so forth...

It's perfectionism. The desire to always be the best.
my Kesvick
Novi korisnik
za Mister Buckley >> četvrtak travanj 23 - 13:01
I'm at a cross roads gents, should I push on for the title? Or stick to my plan and have a squad building season.... Help!!!! Yes I do crave league one and with a new stadium due in 20 days it would be perfect, but I'm not on the level I want to be when I go up....any thoughts? And my defense sucks
za Mister Buckley
Novi korisnik
eng Cloughie >> četvrtak travanj 23 - 18:07
If you go up and have a crap start, you can decide to build knowing you're going down- I two players who would have been good had they played games...but I can't Olay them as I need to put my strongest team out. If I were at the bottom of league one I would be playing them now.
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies