Japan liga - 82. sezona

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Season 43 (5)

gr Zeropas >> četvrtak siječanj 31 - 13:23

Greetings, second season for Urawa is in J League now :D it's really a honor to play in the same league with such strong teams,

What are your opinions on the current ME and other parts of the game, and what are your long term plans in Japan, what about our NT, do we have a future? hope we can make a strong Japanese NT :)

Kind regards, Urawa-ku  

gr Zeropas
Novi korisnik
gr Zeropas >> subota veljača 23 - 15:16

New GK at club, lets save the season :D

gr Zeropas
Novi korisnik
ee Ryan >> četvrtak veljača 28 - 14:08


Im pleased with the opportunity in Japan, a very competitive and equal league. My work here is to build up my YA, to start a new generation. Good luck to everyone.

ee Ryan
Novi korisnik
gr Zeropas >> petak ožujak 1 - 14:14

Welcome that is great, we need more active managers, good luck in Japan :)

gr Zeropas
Novi korisnik
ee Ryan >> subota ožujak 2 - 15:38

got a 3.5 power forward as the first pull.yell

ee Ryan
Novi korisnik