Japan liga - 85. sezona [2]

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more active, 42 j2 (6)

jp miyano_houko >> ponedjeljak prosinac 24 - 21:48

the league is less active than the last season. which team you think will win j2 league.

jp miyano_houko
gr Zeropas >> petak prosinac 28 - 12:06

It will be a fight between tomato united and crea fc :))

You can post also in j league forum, every opinion is important, greetings :)

gr Zeropas
Novi korisnik
jp miyano_houko >> petak prosinac 28 - 12:28

Thanks, but my team is not strong enough. At first, i will up my facilities(ó﹏ò。) 

jp miyano_houko
no Arturs >> srijeda siječanj 2 - 18:46

I will try be un top 5 and hope to win most of an opponents. Tomato will win this. Doru will be top3. I will do all possible to be 3rd, if lucky

no Arturs
jp Rusengo
jp miyano_houko >> ponedjeljak siječanj 7 - 14:03

Good luck to you.

jp miyano_houko
gr Zeropas >> ponedjeljak siječanj 21 - 10:53

Congrats to Tomato united :)

gr Zeropas
Novi korisnik