Nigerija liga - 62. sezona

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A thread.... Shall we? (188)

If you have the money to build a squad that last you for about five season, that isn't a bad idea at least there most be a trophy to show for it.
That gk is a bargain but $900m every two season on wage bill will derail your plan to further upgrade your facilities.
I expected you to top the league soon, as i want to rebuild my team from scratch/youth system, but if you can't am happy to buy 1 or 2 players to continue my dominance, but nagetively am give the chinese time to redevelop their teams.
Check the other 4 top teams, the are relaxed and just constructing plans.
I know some have quit but few won't until they dominate us.
I will drop to african league to try and win it, at least to complete the mission of winning the competition. But if i can't now, i will be motivated to try in no distance time.
Good luck
Hope you finish 2nd. And champion next season, if i succeded in selling my players.
So @elchidi you lost 4-1 to London kids, lemme have a laugh hahahahahaha. what a beating that was.
ng ELCHIDI >> ponedjeljak rujan 5 - 14:04

Shebi you dey whine me ni, eh Don X, shebi  now i never be man?, naim you dey try talk, don't worry next 2 season e go shock una

ng Xxx*jinx
ng ELCHIDI >> ponedjeljak rujan 5 - 14:08

Don x, i don't even set line ups nowadays ... I just dey build my facilities... But since its now i challenge i shall adjust and set my lineup next time i play him... I'm beating every one from now on, and that includes you 

Hiro fc

ng Xxx*jinx
ng london1 >> srijeda rujan 7 - 19:55
Not this season bro, i will beat you home and away
ng london1
ng Sonic >> nedjelja rujan 11 - 07:09

It's true sha... For the first time in my Rs career my account enter red.

Time to restrategize

ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng london1 >> ponedjeljak listopad 3 - 11:23
I will get relegated next season... Don't know if i can or when i will get promoted, but i must win league 2 first with my home grown boyz.
ng london1