Filipini liga - 17. sezona

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NT Philippines (8)

ua Garfman >> četvrtak veljača 5 - 07:25
Thanks for your votes, guys! I opened this topic so we can communicate with each other about our NT. I always welcome any input or remarks on anything, tactics, player selection, and such. Hopefully this will be a good season, our group for the WC is quite strong, but there is no team that is head and shoulders above the rest. I will do my utmost to make history for our small country :-)
ua Garfman
Glavni administrator zajednice
ph Garfman FC
ph 保级队求轻虐 >> subota veljača 7 - 09:11
haha~My team is so weak that there are no players in NT.
ph 保级队求轻虐
ua Garfman >> ponedjeljak veljača 9 - 15:52
There is only one thing to do about that....train more youths from the Philippines :-)
ua Garfman
Glavni administrator zajednice
ph Garfman FC
ph Sliv >> utorak ožujak 10 - 08:54
Halfway, and it seems the World Cup is out of reach.
But undefeated at home, it would be cool if you can keep it that way :-)
Good luck Garf
ph Sliv
Novi korisnik
ua Garfman >> četvrtak ožujak 12 - 13:49, Izmjenjeno četvrtak ožujak 12 - 13:50
It's been crap so far, I cannot deny that. Only the last match was a deserved loss. We dominated 3 of the 4 first matches and one was equally matched, yet we only have 4 points. I've done all I could by choosing the best lineup to win (according to simulation), but so far I'm not satisfied at all. I'm going to continue to do my best to get the best out of the team for all the upcoming matches. Next up is the essential away match against Mongolia. If we can win that, we'll still have a chance with 3 home matches still coming up, otherwise I'm afraid that it'll be curtains.
ua Garfman
Glavni administrator zajednice
ph Garfman FC
ph Sliv >> utorak travanj 21 - 06:35
Hey man, I saw you came so very close... Too bad, but it was a nice come-back!
Better next year...
ph Sliv
Novi korisnik
ua Garfman >> subota svibanj 2 - 07:21
The change of tactics made a big difference, but unfortunately it was too little too late. The future looks good, though, there are lots of good players at our disposal.
ua Garfman
Glavni administrator zajednice
ph Garfman FC
ua Garfman >> srijeda svibanj 20 - 06:50
Thanks for your faith in me once again! I'll try my best to live up to it :-)
ua Garfman
Glavni administrator zajednice
ph Garfman FC