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Team Relocation (4)

us Danny >> ponedjeljak srpanj 27 - 23:43

The President of the Washington Freedom has announced that due to the lack of attendance the team will be relocating. He we quoted saying "We just can't compete with DC United, especially because they are getting their new stadium."

The President went on to say that the team has identified four potential destinations for the club. "We are looking to move the team to one of the following... Virginia Beach, Anchorage, New Orleans, or Wichita."

"We are working on forming a team of marketers to determine the best location for our football club. We also have a team set to create team designs for the four possible locations"

The President said the decision will be made on Wednesday 7/29/15. Stay tuned for the decision.
us Danny
us Danny >> četvrtak srpanj 30 - 14:27

After receiving an offer from the city of Scranton PA... We have decided it will be best to move our club to Scranton. Yes, I know this was not in the original plan for our club; however they offered a great opportunity in having a downtown stadium as well as some extra cash.

Our club will now be known as Sporting Scranton.

Name: Sporting Scranton
Colors: Highlight Green, Gray
Nickname: Crush
Fanclub: The Herd
Stadium: Tzorvas ESB Park (ESB = Elephant Smart Business... Sponsor)

We are very excited about this new opportunity as club. We have already sold about 10,000 season tickets!
us Danny
us Mercuric >> četvrtak srpanj 30 - 14:47
Good luck in the new location, Danny!
us Mercuric
us Danny >> petak srpanj 31 - 04:57
Thanks Mercuric
us Danny