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Expansion Draft (3)

us Ulysses >> četvrtak lipanj 5 - 01:59
It's been a while since anyone created a thread like this, so I thought I would try one.

If you could form a team based on the players available from other teams, who would you choose? Let's say that each team can protect 12 players, and the 12 players with the best value would be assumed to be protected unless the players are otherwise indicated.

If you want to post a team, you could just post a new team, though perhaps it would be possible to create 2 new teams.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
vn Tak >> četvrtak lipanj 5 - 08:04
Eh, so I can't choose from 12 best players of other teams?
vn Tak
Novi korisnik
us Ulysses >> četvrtak lipanj 5 - 17:59
I guess that is too restrictive - let's say the top 3 midfielders, the top 3 defenders, the top 2 forwards, and the top keeper are all protected.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC