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SEASON 58 (9)

cn JACK >> četvrtak ožujak 18 - 14:32
I'm going to League 2, see you guys first
Novi korisnik
us Joe McG >> subota ožujak 20 - 11:31

Annnnnd we're back...rarified has been a long time...quiet forums too...

Have a great season all!!!

us Joe McG
us FC New York Cosmos
us cdowne >> subota ožujak 20 - 21:02

Welcome back, Joe. Good to see you on the schedule again.

us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us Joe McG >> nedjelja ožujak 21 - 00:39

Thank You cdowne...happy to supply some cannon fodder for the big clubs...gain experience for my team and enjoy the season...

us Joe McG
us FC New York Cosmos
us Mike >> četvrtak ožujak 25 - 00:59

Looks like we may have lost Jack from LOBO for good, not just to League 2.  That's unfortunate.  

Joe - Welcome to Level 1.  Glad you are up here.  I'm amazed that you never seem to buy a player.  You must have billions saved by now!  

I will take my random/lucky 4-1 win over the Hounds as his GK got hurt in the 2nd half with no backup available since 3 subs already done at halftime.  I'm looking for a top 5-6 finish this season as I beefed up my mid and defense this transfer window.  Also hoping for a deep run in the U21 tournament.  

Good luck all!

us Mike
us Colonials FC
us britrock88 >> četvrtak ožujak 25 - 03:56

The 'Mingos in Madison are aiming to avoid the relegation playoff. A long, patient build awaits...

us britrock88
us Madisonians
us Peter >> četvrtak ožujak 25 - 13:41

Good luck!

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us Joe McG >> nedjelja ožujak 28 - 13:32, Izmjenjeno nedjelja ožujak 28 - 13:33

Thank you Mike...I wish I had billions...I was inthe market years ago literally but I was always more successful selling than I grow from within...that being had been years since I made it up here...I would love to score a goal or D is not horrible but my O is lagging...

I will never understand managers leaving when relegated or not moving up quickly...building a team is fun...takes patience...

us Joe McG
us FC New York Cosmos
us Mike >> nedjelja travanj 25 - 19:34

The US teams are doing well in our tournaments. Hounds, Arsenal and Sidney Towne all made it to the semifinals of the Champions league while Polar Bear and Colonials are in the quarterfinals of the NA league. Not bad!

us Mike
us Colonials FC