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great season (2)

zw Sergio >> srijeda ožujak 19 - 15:09
hey guys, this has been a great season for my club and i hope everyone. i think we are finally making that progress, building teams for the future. with FC ATHLETIC GWERU having made it to the round of 32 in the AFRICAN LEAGUE, I think that we may get another spot in either the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE or AFRICAN LEAGUE. massive thanks to those who managed to earn us points in these continential competitions.

as we are ending the season, tv money will be available and i hope we prepare our teams for the coming season. but my advise would be to invest in facilities as it is a long term plan. buying a great player would be ideal but imagine what it would be like if you were the person producing players worthy millions. you could have enough to cater for your team and enough to sell and boost your finances.

i know it takes time but its the long term plan, thanks for such a great season and congratulations to MK GWERU UTD on winning the cup, also to my team on winning the league. i also applaud the likes of FC ALTEZZA for emerging from out of the blue and contenting for the tittle. i hope next season will be such great fun like has been this one.
zw Sergio
Novi korisnik
hk 越秀波会 >> srijeda travanj 23 - 06:04
Good remark to the season. Your passion and ambition to the game deserve our appreciation. Good luck!
hk 越秀波会
zw INTER Zanetti