Fórum: Angol rss-feed

Ez az általános beszélgetések helye a angol nyelvű Fórumban. Amikor ide írsz, a fenti nyelven kell írnod. Ha más nyelven írsz, azt figyelmeztetés nélkül töröljük. Vannak alfórumok is különböző témákban. A hibákat kérjük a Hibák részlegbe írd és igyekezz a többi témát is a megfelelő helyre felvetni.

Angol >> Kérdések

money or fans for my team. (21)

nl Losing >> szerda augusztus 18 - 13:24

I haven't heard about the bug if you add a CM, only about removal. It should be fine to add one during construction, just only remove when you've finished a building and before you start the new one. 

nl Losing
il Numpty >> szerda augusztus 18 - 13:52

Base build time for Stadium 10 is 109.5 days. With a CM level 10 this reduces to 76.65 days. 

Another level 4 CM will reduce that by a further 12%, which is 9.198 days, so you wouldn't gain anything by waiting 9 days. 

There's no need to fire him either. You can employ a 2nd CM at any time and when it works correctly the bonus is recalculated.  (The bug occurs on removal which is when you might need to be careful.)

In my opinion you'd probably be better off keeping the 2 fan shop staff anyway. The extra popularity is probably worth just as much as saving a few days on the building time. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
pii >> szerda augusztus 18 - 14:10, Szerkesztve szerda augusztus 18 - 14:12
ok thanks gu¥s
i wanted to fire fs staff to avoid story, but no need, i will quickly start the building now.
so far const time is 93days,
il Numpty >> szerda augusztus 18 - 14:18

Presumably that's a 15% reduction so not a level 10 CM then. In which case a second (L4) CM would save you a bit more around 11 days.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Good bye >> szerda augusztus 18 - 19:37, Szerkesztve szerda augusztus 18 - 19:38

At least before then ( when your stadium 10 is complete ) I have generate enough money to build my stadium 11.


Good luck mate @ pii

ua Good bye
pii >> vasárnap július 17 - 21:09
So he couldn't save for his st lvl 11 money until i'm close building mine.