Fórum: Angol rss-feed

Ez az általános beszélgetések helye a angol nyelvű Fórumban. Amikor ide írsz, a fenti nyelven kell írnod. Ha más nyelven írsz, azt figyelmeztetés nélkül töröljük. Vannak alfórumok is különböző témákban. A hibákat kérjük a Hibák részlegbe írd és igyekezz a többi témát is a megfelelő helyre felvetni.

Angol >> Általános beszélgetés

National manager elections (24)

eng Kastrix >> kedd december 7 - 16:12

One last thing. If I wasn't going to stick around why would I offer to help in a takeover of the site?

eng Kastrix
wal Kergle AFC
ee Balthazor >> kedd december 7 - 19:24

You mentioned fact that most of managers in Switzerland were foreigners, so there is more important to be well-known or to have something achieved. Togo might be your chance to gain better reputation- if you're successful, don't forget to mention it on next candidations.  Currently we see that you've been active around a year, longest stint is about 3-4 seasons with same club and your league wins are mostly in bot leagues. It's really nothing very special yet and not attracting voters who don't know you. 

Maybe it's not good idea to candidate in one of biggest battles when you're relatively beginner: there was quite few countries with 2 candidates and surely very few with 3 or more(but you didn't have more choices probably as you don't have NT players). For example in Estonia last time with 2 candidates was several years ago, when I was against one of third league managers. Mostly we discuss in local forum, who is ready to take over as we avoid unknown ones after one bad experience. We had then potential to qualify but manager played several times both games with same lineup, in first match(interland) some of key players got injured and we lost couple of important matches. After that we have always candidate from local community. 

I have seen here management of well-known long-time jumper, his NT management was so bad and chaotic that every manager against him would win next elections as better alternative. Luckily there was another candidate who won with big supremacy- that was my last real election before this season's. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng Kastrix >> kedd december 7 - 23:05

Tbh Wales league 1 is decent standard where we have 8 managers. I won't beat 3 of them as there squads are 2 good. In Swiss league even in league 2 there were at least 5 managers. So I think going nearly unbeaten all league with one transfer window being second bottom then win the league is special. 

Anyway it's done. Enough said about this I think

All the best this season guys and thank you for your advice/views

eng Kastrix
wal Kergle AFC
eng Stephen >> szerda december 8 - 06:42

Okay, all the best for the season ahead.

eng Stephen
Fő admin
eng Seaburn Beach
ee Taavi >> szerda december 8 - 07:32

@numpty I just have to buy Shakiri from i want to say Liverpool? How much does he cost? i have some chocolate wrappers 

ee Taavi
Közösségi Admin
ee FC Pusa
eng Kastrix >> szerda december 8 - 09:15

If the deal fails can I lick the wrappers?

eng Kastrix
wal Kergle AFC
ee Taavi >> szerda december 8 - 09:31


ee Taavi
Közösségi Admin
ee FC Pusa
eng Kastrix >> szerda december 8 - 12:20


eng Kastrix
wal Kergle AFC
by Andryvs >> vasárnap április 24 - 19:19

Kastrix dream come true! 

by Andryvs
by Prussians