Fórum: Angol rss-feed

Ez az általános beszélgetések helye a angol nyelvű Fórumban. Amikor ide írsz, a fenti nyelven kell írnod. Ha más nyelven írsz, azt figyelmeztetés nélkül töröljük. Vannak alfórumok is különböző témákban. A hibákat kérjük a Hibák részlegbe írd és igyekezz a többi témát is a megfelelő helyre felvetni.

Angol >> Javaslatok

Unemployed players. (5)

wal Mptrk >> szombat február 2 - 11:41, Szerkesztve szombat február 2 - 11:45

Is there any way to sign unemployed players in the game? If there isn't I think they should add it as it could be a good source of players for a newer player like me.

Edit: Also take the next and previous player tags off of an unemployed player's page as it crashes my computer to click it.

wal Mptrk
ro Andrei >> szombat február 2 - 12:07, Szerkesztve szombat február 2 - 12:14
No, there isn't. It's been suggested before and rejected.

Some thread examples listed in here:

ro Andrei
wal Mptrk >> szombat február 2 - 12:24

Ok thanks. Its just annoying having a whole team of better players in my shortlist and not being able to use them.

wal Mptrk
il Numpty >> szombat február 2 - 15:49, Szerkesztve szombat február 2 - 15:50

I started around the same time as you, so I feel your pain. A big part of the challenge is finding a way to claw our way up from the bottom and gradually improve the team. To do that you need to make money, both for building and for buying players. 

I would suggest getting yourself 3 good loan players, which will make a huige difference to a weak team.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee Balthazor >> vasárnap február 3 - 20:02

Another rule: upgrade your stadium on every first possible moment! Level 2 is little bit too few after 3 months. It's better to upgrade TC to level 10 on bonus period and then start to upgrade YC, meanwhile taking 3 loans(better than your own players) and buying some cheap youngsters with talent over 4(something like Tauber and Frye) who would add something to your squad. After some seasons you can sell them to bots or bank with some profit and replace with better ones, gradually improving your team. I did so with my Austrian club, earned promotion after some L2 seasons, avoided relegation and had some top 4 finishes with euro spot and won couple of trophies too. 

At some level stadium will be your main income, but you need it some more levels for that.

That overload of those players you indicated comes because most of teams have YC10, so market is oversaturated of such players, most of them are on market until asking price is reduced to bank value and then it's better financially to sell him to bank than reduce price more to attract buyers.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn