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League of Canada [2] Season 32 (39)

ca Sadrudin >> szerda augusztus 16 - 14:35

I can see what you mean sockem.

Congratulations to phil with Quebecflash for defeating Knockers!!!

Félicitations à phil avec Québecflash pour avoir vaincu Knockers !!!

*I used google translate for that whole sentence.

ca Sadrudin
ca Sadrudin >> csütörtök augusztus 17 - 19:43

Congratulations on becoming the champions of League of Canada [2], in season 32, sockem!!!

ca Sadrudin
ca Ron >> szombat augusztus 19 - 02:01

Congrats Sock em on your promotion...Its a great chance for you to make some extra $$...See you all next season...

ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Sadrudin >> kedd augusztus 22 - 23:36

I made it to the playoffs finals for the second year in a row!

Well played by Edmonton Cyclones though!

ca Sadrudin
ca Sadrudin >> péntek augusztus 25 - 20:46

For the second season in a row, I forgot to set my lineup for the first leg.

So in the first leg, away from home, my team got dominated and lost 2-0. But in the second game, I set my lineup and beat Flameless Hero FC 2-1, and actually beat them in stats as well! My team pulled off an amazing upset!

Second Leg: https://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/info/match-11735112

ca Sadrudin
ca Sadrudin >> péntek augusztus 25 - 20:46

Though I'm staying in the second league for now at least...

ca Sadrudin