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Bahasa Inggris >> Kehidupan nyata sepak bola

The worry about Coronavirus-2019 (198)

nl Losing >> sabtu maret 28 - 15:19


With that adjustment I mean that countries with a higher median age will have more deaths with the same spread as countries with a younger median age. If you want to see how far-spread the disease is in a country you have to adjust for that.

nl Losing
il Numpty >> sabtu maret 28 - 15:45, telah di sunting sabtu maret 28 - 15:47

Oh I see. That's a good point as age is indeed a big factor in the mortality rate. However, I don't think it's that simple. Countries with young populations tend to be in the developing world where it's likely to spread more easily and they also have inferior health care systems. So it's difficult to know what correlation the average age of a population will have with the mortality rate.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> sabtu maret 28 - 17:01

That’s two forum bans handed out today. This thread is close to being shut down unless everyone sticks to the rules.

eng Stephen
Ketua Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> sabtu maret 28 - 17:16

Just think of it as enforced isolation. You know it makes sense. D

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us cdowne >> sabtu maret 28 - 22:06

The number is cases in the United States has grown significantly in the last week. Unfortunately, the death toll will also grow in the next 7-10 days. 

Many of the newest cases are located in densely populated areas like New York City, which makes sense.  Hospitals in these areas aren't prepared for the number of new cases. They are already running low on important equipment for health care workers. People are starting to donate things like homemade masks. The mayor of New York City has been furious that the federal government isn't able to send ventilators. 

Nobody intelligent in the US believes the comment by American "leadership" that we'll be up and running by Easter. That is only an attempt to keep the markets from losing even more than they already have. Schools, for example, in many areas of the country have been canceled for at least the next 6 weeks. 

Everyone stay healthy. 

us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
cn Loner >> minggu maret 29 - 01:16

For five days , the number of new diagnoses in the United States increased significantly. It's 122,666 now, looks pretty bad.

cn Loner
ie Letterkenny United
cn Loner >> minggu maret 29 - 01:19

As of March 15, there were 93,238 cases of medical insurance settlement (including the settlement of multiple outpatient visits) for confirmed and suspected COVID 19 patients in China, involving a total cost of 1039.6 million yuan, and a total payment of 677.34 million yuan by the medical insurance system. The number of patients diagnosed nationwide reached 44,189, involving a total cost of 752.48 million yuan and an average cost of 17,000 yuan per person. The proportion of medical insurance payment was about 65% (the rest was subsidized by the government).

cn Loner
ie Letterkenny United
ee onuelver >> minggu april 5 - 21:28

Now Estonia has officially over 1000 cases but non-official might be 10 000

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
il Numpty >> minggu april 5 - 22:13, telah di sunting minggu april 5 - 22:14

Latest UK news. 

1. Death toll now stands at 4,934 hospitalised patients, up 621 from yesterday. The true figure is likely to be much higher with an unknown of deaths at home and in community facilities such as care homes. 

2. The Queen gives the nation a televised address, which essentially amounted to a pep talk. "We will succeed and get through this." 

3. After a day of much controversy, Scotland's chief medical officer resigns. Dr Catherine Calderwood was the public face for giving the 'stay at home' advice in Scotland and was accused of hypocrisy after spending 2 weekends visiting her second home during the lockdown. 

4. Boris Johnson is admitted to hospital as a precautionary measure with persistent symptoms, 10 days after testing positive for coronavirus. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> senin april 6 - 22:38

Boris' condition worsens and he has been given oxygen and moved into intensive care. However, he is apparently conscious and has not (yet) been put on a ventilator.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has been asked to deputise. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ca Alex Seymour >> selasa april 7 - 01:32

I'm getting quite concerned about Boris.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
au davo >> rabu april 8 - 06:07

I'm a bit sceptical about Boris. My feeling is that he is just in hospital to make sure that he gets the best attention - which is fair enough as he is the PM.

It is also a very good PR thing for his condition to be serious. If the rate of infection does not slow down then he can absolve himself for any responsibility. If it does slow down, he can have been directing proceedings from his hospital bed.

Going to an NHS hospital rather than a private one will stop people saying that the reason he recovered is that you get better health care if you can afford to pay for it.

Anyway, it may all be genuine, and I hope that he pulls through - but it certainly wont do his approval rating any harm at all.

au davo
il Numpty >> rabu april 8 - 08:27, telah di sunting rabu april 8 - 08:58

Interesting comment @Davo. 

I'm inclined to think that it's the doctors who are being overly cautious. Especially as the disease is not well understood. He probably doesn't need to be in intensive care, but if it's a borderline decision the doctors won't want to be held accountable if he did suddenly get a lot worse. 

Boris himself is a very ebullient character who would rather ignore the doctors and carry on working, so I imagine he took a lot of persuasion to go into hospital.  It's just not his nature to do this kind of thing as a PR stunt.

As for using the NHS, I'm not aware of his previous history for health care. But if he were to go private at a time like this it would be a PR disaster and create a very unwelcome side issue that would damage the  message that "we're all in this together". He'd probably be accused of hypocrisy. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ca Alex Seymour >> rabu april 8 - 17:53

I don't think private hospitals in the UK have level 3 ICUs. The hospital where he's at also has the best lung specialists in the country so I think he's probably in the best place he could be. It's also about 6 minutes away from 10 Downing Street!

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC