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Bahasa Inggris >> Kompetisi

Join the League of Palestine to play international tournaments and win prizes! (23)

nl Counter_Culture >> senin januari 28 - 20:33

Still available!

nl Counter_Culture
Pengguna baru
nl Counter_Culture >> jum'at maret 15 - 08:17

Hey everyone,

We still have many available teams in our league, come join us!

This team is a good pick as it has more than one million in popularity!

nl Counter_Culture
Pengguna baru
nl Glory >> jum'at maret 15 - 08:49

Congratulations with your title, Counter :)

nl Glory
Pengguna baru
nl Counter_Culture >> senin mei 13 - 07:41

Slowly but steadily the Palestinean league is getting stronger every season. Come join us!

We still have a team available with a popularity of over 1 million:

nl Counter_Culture
Pengguna baru
nl Counter_Culture >> senin juni 24 - 19:04

Get ready for the new season, join the league of Palestine! 

nl Counter_Culture
Pengguna baru
nl Counter_Culture >> senin agustus 19 - 13:23

Hi Everyone,

The runner up in the League of Palestine has just become available!

Come join us!

nl Counter_Culture
Pengguna baru
nl Counter_Culture >> sabtu mei 2 - 07:39

Hey everyone, if you're thinking about getting a new team, you should consider moving to the league of Palestine!

Many teams are still available. You can start from scratch or you can pick a team with decent facilities and popularity. Check out this team for example:

Join us for the start of the next season! 

nl Counter_Culture
Pengguna baru
nl Losing >> senin mei 4 - 10:59

If you already have a first team, this could be a decent pick too:

There's a 21yo striker worth 22 million in it, could make a great boost to a new team.

nl Losing