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Bahasa Inggris >> Kehidupan nyata sepak bola

The worry about Coronavirus-2019 (198)

hr Gorica >> kamis maret 19 - 13:30

As Evil mentioned before me, here in Croatia we have around 100 cases, first death was confirmed today. An older man. We had our first case on 25. of February so we are doing good for now. It is tough to predict are we a week, two or three behind Italy. Schools and universities are closed since monday. Yesterday government announced everything will be closed for a month except supermarkets, pharmacies and shops with animal food starting today.

People are mostly very scared or very ignorant. Very little middle ground between those 2 groups. Most are very afraid of economic consenquences because we all have bad memories of financial crisis in 2008. which hit us very hard.

Europe cant take such strict measures as China so I really hope worst will pass by end of April/beginning of May because else people could start to lose patience and sanity. 

hr Gorica
admin komunitas
hr HNK Square Dubrovnik
lv Ar4ers >> kamis maret 19 - 13:53

South Europe and Iran critical and death rate are awful. Compare to China, Germany, South Korea, Scandinavia. Looks like biological warfare 

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
cn Loner >> kamis maret 19 - 13:53, telah di sunting kamis maret 19 - 13:57

Yes, control measures are important. Many deaths have been reported in our country, and medical autopsies have also been done.Was seriously ill patients are in great pain before they die. They had difficulty breathing but were conscious and saw clearly that they were suffocating to death. Before death, the disease will suddenly become worse, towards death. We must pay attention to it in thought and make every preparation in action.

cn Loner
ie Letterkenny United
eng Dragontao >> kamis maret 19 - 14:00, telah di sunting kamis maret 19 - 14:00

I shared that post of yours with a few people I know Loner, I hope you don't mind. I thought it was interesting to see the perspective of someone actually living through it in China, rather than the view of what's happening in China we see on the news here.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
cn Loner >> kamis maret 19 - 14:11

@Dragontao,OK. I also hope that you and your friends and relatives can pay enough attention to this virus, and do a good job in prevention and disinfection measures, which is very important. Because from the news that Europe is getting serious, based on the experience of China, this is likely to be just the beginning and more difficult in the future. I hope you can protect yourselves and your families. The situation in China is getting better at a great cost to 1.4 billion Chinese people. It's hard for everyone, like the end of the world in the movie, but it has to be done. Wear a mask, measure your temperature, don't go out, disinfect with alcohol, have a good rest. This is what everyone should do.

cn Loner
ie Letterkenny United
lv Ar4ers >> kamis maret 19 - 14:19

It is possible to recover without pneumonia? 

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
cn Loner >> kamis maret 19 - 14:44

Statistically, most of those who die are elderly and in poor health, and most will overcome the virus. This seems to be one of the reasons why some people, some countries, don't take it seriously. However, for the society, if a city has thousands, even tens of thousands of patients, the medical facilities will be far from enough. Good medical treatment will treat an infected person when his symptoms are mild and prevent him from getting worse. Once his lungs are severely attacked and become fibrotic, it will be irreversible. We cannot expect to recover with ourselves. We must seek professional treatment as soon as possible to reduce the death rate and prevent more people from becoming infected.

The sequence of viral symptoms is a day or two of coughing and chest tightness. And then you have a fever, and you keep going back and forth, and it's really hard to breathe, to vomit, to walk, just like the end of the world, and some people have a fever for a week or two. At the same time, the lungs are slowly attacked, with dead cells clogging the lungs and trachea. At the same time, inflammation in the body can cause many potential diseases, which are fatal to some elderly people in poor health and can lead to sudden death. Even if the body is good, if unfortunately infected, may also infect others or their close relatives, the body and the process of fighting the virus is painful.

cn Loner
ie Letterkenny United
lv Ar4ers >> kamis maret 19 - 15:34

In Latvia doctors allow infected with mild symptoms go back to home to their families and national TV make story/clip how family member need to treat infected person 

Nonsense, I know. If you think communists are the worst you need to go to Latvia. Worst government in the world 

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
cn Loner >> kamis maret 19 - 16:41

It was wrong to let the infected person stay at home and expect him to recover. It can lead to tragedy for the families of infected people, and even greater social chaos. In China, we not only send infected patients to the hospital, but we also impose quarantine for 14 days on those who have come into contact with infected patients. Take those who came back from where the virus occurred, and put them under medical observation for 14 days. People returning from out of town will also stay at home for 14 days to ensure safety.

As long as there is a fever must be checked to the hospital. If it is confirmed, should stay in a professional hospital for treatment.

This requires a high level of competence on the part of the government. In some parts of China, officials can be dismissed immediately if the local government does a bad job.

cn Loner
ie Letterkenny United
il Numpty >> jum'at maret 20 - 00:42, telah di sunting jum'at maret 20 - 00:59

"It was wrong to let the infected person stay at home and expect him to recover. It can lead to tragedy for the families of infected people, and even greater social chaos."

"As long as there is a fever must be checked to the hospital. If it is confirmed, should stay in a professional hospital for treatment."

I know you mean well, my friend, but I'm afraid this is a rather naive view of the current situation. 

1. In most countries with a major outbreak there is insufficient capacity to test all the suspected cases so it's impossible to know precisely who is infected. The real figure may be 10-20 times greater than the actual confirmed cases.

2. If all the confirmed and suspected cases including those with mild-moderate symptoms had to stay in a hospital and/or get tested they would quickly be overwhelmed and unable to cope. There simply isn't the capacity to treat everyone with mild-moderate symptoms. Some countries are already struggling to deal just with the serious cases.

3. Some of those infected will show no symptoms, so unless there was random testing of the whole population it's unlikely that China sent them to the hospital. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
cn Loner >> jum'at maret 20 - 01:35

Yes, for Europe, there are many difficulties. Some small countries do not have enough capacity to deal with them. This is a reality. According to news data, the virus is spreading rapidly in Europe. This is very serious, even more than that of China. It needs Europe to mobilize all forces to deal with and solve the difficulties. Although some methods sound inconceivable, they need to do so in fact. To block the source of infection and treat patients, there are many and many tasks to be done and many difficulties to be solved. If the local government doesn't do enough, we hope that we can protect ourselves and our families. In a word, the virus is actually very serious. Compared with SARS, it has a stronger infectivity, a longer incubation period, and the incubation period will also be infectious. In China, there are many kinds of cases of infection. Some people will be infected after exposure for a few seconds, some through elevators, some through air conditioning, some There are meals, cars, stations and shopping malls. Like the Korean movie "flu", some people even carry the virus without symptoms, but they also infect others. This requires the government to check and detect a large number of close contacts, trace the source, look back at the traces of the infected within 14 days, where he has been and who he has contacted. This is a need for the government We cannot escape the arduous task of taking it seriously. This is a disaster for any infected country.

cn Loner
ie Letterkenny United
ua Kalle >> jum'at maret 20 - 09:08

On account of my wife being scared, i have this 1 question.

They always say that Covid-19 doesn't affect small childeren as it does adults. But does anyone know of baby's or very young childeren being hosipitalized because of it?

The youngest i can find account of in the Netherlands seems to be 16.

ua Kalle
nl PEC Zwolle
nl Losing >> jum'at maret 20 - 09:50

Newborns are at a slightly higher risk because their immune systems haven't built up yet, but when they're a bit older than that the risk of getting a serious illness is significantly lower than that of any adult because that's when their immune response is most efficient.

Part of it is a decreased response to new stimuli - because they encounter every single disease for the first time and might overreact to harmless things, so their immune response is repressed. This makes some of the symptoms (particularly fever) less severe, but babies in that first period of life can also get sicker eventually due to a lacking first response. And even with a smaller response, a sick child is never a great thing. Mild symptoms will still be the worst they've ever experienced to them so still a pain to deal with for you :P 

Just be careful as you normally are, be extra careful with newborns. If they are older than newborn you should most of all relax, and realize that preventative measures are more important for you than for the child and realize that even with newborns the chance of not getting seriously ill is way bigger than needing to go to an ICU. Pay attention to coughing and breathing problems, don't make your (I assume boomer or older) parents or someone immunocompromised watch your kids since it is possible to transmit it without visible or significant symptoms and they are probably at a greater risk.

The point where risk starts to decrease is different for every baby and since I'm not a doctor telling you a specific age is irresponsible. I study veterinary medicine so my knowledge of human development is 2nd tier to my knowledge of animals which is still lacking compared to people who are vets already, always trust your doctor over people on a football manager game forum :P

nl Losing
cn Loner >> jum'at maret 20 - 10:23

@kalle In the case of China, children can also be infected. At first, our medical experts also said that children are not easy to be infected, but later, it was proved wrong. Our conclusion: all people are susceptible groups. There have also been cases in children in China, some under a year old, the youngest just a few days old. It's sad that although children have better self-healing abilities, it's difficult to treat children because they can't take care of themselves.

cn Loner
ie Letterkenny United
ua Kalle >> jum'at maret 20 - 10:28

Haha Losing, i rather put my trust in a vet trainee on a game forum. I'll tell my wife not to worry because i've had an expert look in to it ;-)

I'm most certainly not visiting my parents or inlaws. They are quit boomerish of ages.

ua Kalle
nl PEC Zwolle