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Bahasa Inggris >> Diskusi Umum

Terkunci Discussion About Managers (115)

unfortunately let us believe that
eng holt >> senin juni 24 - 15:43

I meaning if there are any groundbreaking newbies(newbies<1 yr),they aren't using the forum for sure.

eng holt
Pengguna baru
il Numpty >> senin juni 24 - 16:37, telah di sunting senin juni 24 - 16:42

@ Holt

With the top teams being 6 years ahead in development it's impossible for a starter club to play catch up in any kind of reasonable time frame. 

What kind of progress are you expecting after (say) a year of playing?

Joddit's doing a good job ...

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng holt >> selasa juni 25 - 14:33
@Numpty Damn that team is better than mine...

In a new league like Kosovo,it is seen that if managers are given some breathing space,they have pretty good tactics and can flourish.
eng holt
Pengguna baru
eng holt >> jum'at juni 28 - 15:46

This game is surely too broken to be fixed.

A team with 131 lvl Museum:-

And a team with YA 5(dont have link but I found it on via the forum)

eng holt
Pengguna baru
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&amp;cup titles to hi >> jum'at juni 28 - 16:01, telah di sunting jum'at juni 28 - 16:12
yeah many teams has either YA5 or FA5 I have seen them.
A team has YA5/FA4 120k stadium lol. and is building level 11 stadium now.
Don't have link, I don't understand? Or you are not gonna post the team?

131 museum damn damn, 2 level 10 staff and 1 level 10, 50% reduction time plus 30% reduction time, seems the manager have been building since early days of this facility lol.
eng holt >> sabtu juni 29 - 17:48

@Don-X I forgot to copy the link.

By extrapolation,the club with 131 lvl should be earning around 700-750 k euros per gameweek.There should be an upper limit.

eng holt
Pengguna baru
ee Taavi >> sabtu juni 29 - 17:53

Is it 700k base and then 20pct staff bonus aswell?

ee Taavi
admin komunitas
ee FC Pusa
lv Tamaz >> sabtu juni 29 - 18:25

Big superclubs geting bigger, already soon will max out facilities, now they will ask for new ones.

Transfer market is dead, cant sell, other sellers asking waaay to big money for 5.30 talanted players (its like 4.20 talent before new facilities)

Life in RS is great :)

Looks like this was my last time as VIP

lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
ee Taavi >> sabtu juni 29 - 18:57

Big teams cant pull away, building stuff has an financial limit

ee Taavi
admin komunitas
ee FC Pusa
eng Stephen >> sabtu juni 29 - 19:21

@Taavi - correct

eng Stephen
Ketua Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> sabtu juni 29 - 20:14, telah di sunting sabtu juni 29 - 20:23

@ Taavi

I've just calculated the Museum levels with a spreadsheet.  For Museum level 131 I get a construction cost of 2,780k RSD and a total cost for all levels from 1-131 of 194.2 million RSD. 

The weekly profit for level 131 comes to 727k RSD. With one staff member (@ L10)  this would become 1,091k and with 2 (L10) staff it would be 1,636k RSD.


Hope those numbers are correct.

I agree with the earlier comments that the whole museum idea is somewhat ridiculous. There needs to be a sensible maximum limit. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&amp;cup titles to hi >> sabtu juni 29 - 20:49, telah di sunting sabtu juni 29 - 20:50
at 1000 levels some1 will maintain YA6/FA6, lol

I will keep building until my fingers can't press button anymore.
ee Taavi >> sabtu juni 29 - 21:21

@numpty , museum definetely needs a limit :D i actually thought 100 was max...

ee Taavi
admin komunitas
ee FC Pusa
pt Sir Alex >> sabtu juni 29 - 21:29

Of course... another rificulous thing lool

pt Sir Alex