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Bahasa Inggris >> pertanyaan

Conditional subs priority (1)

nl Losing >> kamis april 18 - 07:52

Hi! I was wondering how subs are decided in the game when the prerequisites of two players are met.

To clear up; I like to have subs like 'player x comes in if I am ahead, player y comes in for the same player if I am not ahead', so you know a sub will be made at minute 46 and not at like 83, and it depends on how the game goes what player you need sometimes.

But I was wondering; what if you choose 'my team is ahead' for one and '2 or more goals up' for another? Which player will come in if I am 2 or more goals up, because I am winning anyway? Does it turn the first one into 'ahead by exactly one goal', or is it random?

nl Losing