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Bahasa Inggris >> Diskusi Umum

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10464)

hr Eddie >> jum'at juli 8 - 20:57
Here's the new venting topic. Just don't break any rules.
hr Eddie
Pengguna baru
us Peter >> jum'at juli 8 - 21:02
A new frustration thread? Impossible! I thought the other one would last forever!
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
nz Luke Broadcast >> jum'at juli 8 - 21:04
dont be kidding Eddie, again overusing your power. open the previous one. its legendary
nz Luke Broadcast
Pengguna baru
us Peter >> jum'at juli 8 - 21:07
8275 replies.
The most viewed & replied-to thread in the history of RS. Since Eddie mercilessly tramped over it, the event of closing it should be called "The Frustrated Tread."
We will miss you. We'll see you in a better place, O Frustration Thread.
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
hu MacikaG >> jum'at juli 8 - 21:33
Can't break any rules is so Frustrating. :-O)))
hu MacikaG
admin komunitas
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
ng Tony pulis >> jum'at juli 8 - 22:37
@peter haha that was ur favourite and most used thread indeed.
ng Tony pulis
hr Eddie >> sabtu juli 9 - 06:20
That's the only reason I closed it. It was huge.

And why would this be overusing my power? Once in a while, big threads get locked and new ones started. Last frustration thread was from season 16, not from season 1. I just don't see your point, Torres.
hr Eddie
Pengguna baru
eng ipfreely >> sabtu juli 9 - 06:38
@Eddie I think it was a joke ;-)
eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
no Lied >> sabtu juli 9 - 08:33, telah di sunting sabtu juli 9 - 08:36
Lost the NT selection for Cook Islands, god damn corrupt colonies
no Lied
Pengguna baru
no FC Ålesund
hr Eddie >> sabtu juli 9 - 08:37
I lost NT elections for Croatia. Been looking forward to taking it over after a long time, but not going to happen yet.
hr Eddie
Pengguna baru
de long >> sabtu juli 9 - 10:09
lost again an important game cause penalty ... this time my goalkeeper do shit :/
de long
de FC Bayern München
eng Stephen >> sabtu juli 9 - 11:46
Ah, friendlies. The usual litany of injuries ensues.
Will this ever be sorted out?
eng Stephen
Ketua Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
hr Eddie >> sabtu juli 9 - 11:57
Only way to sort it out is to reduce the impact from friendlies even more than it's now.

Cause Vincent stated many times that injuries already have lower chance of occurring in friendlies than in competitive matches.
hr Eddie
Pengguna baru
hu MacikaG >> sabtu juli 9 - 17:16
Torres: Take care of Taavi, he bought 2 big guns from Zsone and they scored 5 goals today's EL match...
hu MacikaG
admin komunitas
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
nz Luke Broadcast >> sabtu juli 9 - 17:33
those guns will fire him straight up to 7th position in the league table
nz Luke Broadcast
Pengguna baru