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Bahasa Inggris >> Diskusi Umum

The team that will dominate world football for many years in RS (2)

il דוד >> selasa oktober 10 - 22:45

Not just a level 6 football academy This team buys a lot of young talents from other teams and then sells them at a not cheap price at all. What's more, she has not bad players at all in the team! Although maintaining a level 6 training academy is horribly expensive! But it makes a lot of money from its player deals. Do you think like me? what do you think?
il דוד
hr The best team
us Peter >> rabu oktober 11 - 00:13, telah di sunting rabu oktober 11 - 00:15

As long as they can keep it up... they will be formidable. That's the question, isn't it? Can they sustain this?

Edit: looking at how many loyal players they have, they could very well keep this up for a long time. Old Lin is playing this smart!

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers