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Bahasa Inggris >> pertanyaan

Gain attribute (3)

cl payasi >> sabtu mei 25 - 04:35

"One of your players gained the "popular" attribute."

Its this a new thing or what? This a first for me ><

cl payasi
cl CSD Colo-Colo
ee Balthazor >> sabtu mei 25 - 05:06

It has been quite long time. "Popular" appears on player, when he gets 20 years old, before that it's hidden because most players under 20 are not good enough for first team and would harm team's popularity more than 5 seasons.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
cl payasi >> sabtu mei 25 - 05:13

Thanks, as I wrote its a first.

cl payasi
cl CSD Colo-Colo