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Bahasa Inggris >> Saran

Increase the number of players shown on transfer search (3)

il Numpty >> rabu januari 29 - 11:45

Currently the maximum number shown on the transfer list is 30. 

I would like to increase this number so that more players can be displayed without changing the search criteria. It could also be made pageable, with maybe 30 players per page. 

Alternatively, this number could be a search parameter that becomes available when a certain scout level is reached.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Proper Top Gaffer >> minggu pebruari 23 - 10:46

Wholly agree, it is currently extremely (and uncharacteristically) cumbersome and tedious to use.

Literally no reason to have more pages or something.

eng Proper Top Gaffer
eng AFC Cumbria United
gr PMK >> minggu pebruari 23 - 13:57

I think 30 is enough. Elsewhere you could see all players listed on TM in 40-50 reason for that. In my opinion, the search egine it's the only characteristic of the TM that works. 

gr PMK