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Bahasa Inggris >> pertanyaan

Worth it? (3)

lt Barzda >> selasa oktober 20 - 23:36

is it worth to give him speed training? And any other suggestions about my squad? as I growing it from youngsters to at least average team , hope to see first results in around 3-4 seasons.

lt Barzda
lt FK Barzda
us Peter >> rabu oktober 21 - 00:42

It would be worth it, if you could do it. You can't train speed until it goes below 5 – which will happen after he turns 22 (I think). When that happens, sure! Forwards need a lot of speed.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
au davo >> rabu oktober 21 - 04:02

I think if the 5.00 is black then they can be trained.

au davo