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Bahasa Inggris >> Diskusi Umum

bug youth player got lost (5)

vu Amun-Ra >> minggu mei 19 - 14:10
I got a message saying i got a new youth player last thursday. Raz greenberg.
But he never arrived at the club.

My youth center was upgrasing so i thought maybe i will get him after the upgrade has finished. But it is finished and i got some new youth players but raz never showed up in my youth player list.

What happened to him?
vu Amun-Ra
Pengguna baru
eng Kezza >> minggu mei 19 - 14:12
Pepe... see this thread...
eng Kezza
Pengguna baru
cn protein >> minggu mei 19 - 14:49, telah di sunting minggu mei 19 - 14:50
Yeah, it's better to report the bugs in the 'Bugreports' section also Pepe. :)
cn protein
vu Amun-Ra >> minggu mei 19 - 22:01
I couldnt find the bug thread... Sorry for that. Seems like I got a message that was supposed to be sent to an other player?
vu Amun-Ra
Pengguna baru
br Irvine Kinneas >> minggu mei 19 - 23:02
yes, exactly that ;)
br Irvine Kinneas