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Terkunci World Cup (508)

eng holt >> rabu juni 13 - 15:02

We are back for another round of World Cup!

News and opinions!

Is Denmark Better than Sweden? 

eng holt
Pengguna baru
us Joey >> rabu juni 13 - 16:14


us Joey
ee Pärnu JK
eng holt >> rabu juni 13 - 16:20

Who do Sweden even have by the way ?

eng holt
Pengguna baru
us Joey >> rabu juni 13 - 16:39, telah di sunting rabu juni 13 - 16:43

Some of their better players include:

  • Andreas Granqvist (center-back)
  • Emil Forsberg (winger)
  • Marcus Berg (center-forward)

They have a good defense, but in recent friendlies they have struggled offensively. They're in one of the better groups at the World Cup, but I wouldn't be surprised if they get a result against Mexico and/or Korea Republic and manage to go through as group runner-up.

us Joey
ee Pärnu JK
ro Andrei >> rabu juni 13 - 18:49
Spain got themselves into a bit of a pickle there with the NT manager change.

But I don't expect that to hinder them too much.
ro Andrei
Pengguna baru
pt Sir Alex >> rabu juni 13 - 22:43

Anything is better than Lopetegui, unfortunately yell

pt Sir Alex
pt otario007 >> kamis juni 14 - 15:08

Sir Alex

Yes and that is something that Real Madrid is going to find out the hard way in the future. He is good for national teams (at least he's been doing a good job so far in them), but in terms of clubs he leaves much to be desired.

Porto is still paying for his mistakes...

pt otario007
ee Balthazor >> kamis juni 14 - 17:35

Saudis were dreadfully weak. Even Estonia is better and has more fighting spirit. Their keeper is too weak for Vaprus Pärnu (weakest team in Estonian Meistriliiga). 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
us Joey >> kamis juni 14 - 17:44

Golovin played very well.

us Joey
ee Pärnu JK
ro Andrei >> kamis juni 14 - 18:24
Scoreline seemed harsh though.
ro Andrei
Pengguna baru
pt Sir Alex >> kamis juni 14 - 20:38

True 007.

Next year Jesus will be at Madrid. For me it was a surprise that he did not go there already this year. It was a bad move from Real.

pt Sir Alex
cn Eden Hazard >> jum'at juni 15 - 02:33

Football in Asain is far behind the average level of the world. The players of Saudi look like skillful, but in this physical and aggressive game, they are nothing.

cn Eden Hazard
Pengguna baru
eng holt >> jum'at juni 15 - 13:52

Well,they had a few chances...

eng holt
Pengguna baru
ro Andrei >> jum'at juni 15 - 13:56
Cruel ending for Egypt. They deserved a point.
ro Andrei
Pengguna baru
us Joey >> jum'at juni 15 - 14:17

They still have a good chance of finishing second. I hope they do, they're such a hardworking and determined team and I would like to see them go through to the round of 16 at least.

Russia might have something to say about that, though, especially if Cheryshev and Golovin play as well against Egypt as they did against Saudi Arabia.

us Joey
ee Pärnu JK