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Bahasa Inggris >> Diskusi Umum

Tell a friend action (2)

nl Vincent de Boer >> selasa pebruari 24 - 09:00
There are only a few days left till the end of the month when the tell a friend action ends. Remember that your referrals only count if they finish the first level of the tutorial.

This is the top list till now:
1. 吃喝玩乐 - 51 (226)
2. Dainix - 17 (35)
3. ✿Nemo✿ - 9 (35)
4. Roberto - 4 (10)
5. living2room - 4 (7)
6. 梦雪 - 4 (5)
7. Jesse Kit Lam - 4 (5)

The rest of the top 10 has 3 referrals, in case of a tie the total number of referrals will be used. It looks like we already have a winner, but the lower half of the top 10 is still very close!

You have till the end of the month to refer new players to the game and a few more days to give them a chance to finish the first tutorial before we announce the winners.
nl Vincent de Boer
Ketua Produser
ba Zemo >> selasa pebruari 24 - 18:39
The first one is winer of this game for call the new menager! I call todey and 7 players are join this game!
ba Zemo
Pengguna baru