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Bahasa Inggris >> Saran

In-Game Notes (7)

eng holt >> minggu desember 2 - 05:53, telah di sunting sabtu desember 15 - 13:50

It would be nice to have an option of making notes in-game. Eg.To keep a reminder for a particular event on a certain day.

For example: 5th december-

NOTE:Remember to sell the 35 yr old keeper

Something like a "post-it" system would make everything more convenient.

eng holt
Pengguna baru
ro Andrei >> minggu desember 2 - 09:54
Surely you can just use other means to give yourself a reminder.
ro Andrei
Pengguna baru
eng holt >> sabtu desember 8 - 08:38

You could,but you could use the calendars to make notes of various other events like"Weekly training","Join a friendly tournament" and stuff like that.

Making the calendar more interactive than its current state would help the managers a lot ,atleast that's what I thought.

eng holt
Pengguna baru
in Keju >> kamis desember 13 - 06:55

Why not it will be very useful for special training . To keep track of which one to start next

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
ro Andrei >> kamis desember 13 - 14:47
I use my Excel spreadsheet for that. But to each their own ...
ro Andrei
Pengguna baru
eng holt >> sabtu desember 15 - 12:30

@Andrei Personally that seems to be too cumbersome.Why not replace it with comfortable,in-game notes/reminders?

eng holt
Pengguna baru
ro Andrei >> sabtu desember 15 - 13:34
Cumbersome? Not cumbersome at all. For me anyway.

If the notes system wouldn't take many resources, no problem.
ro Andrei
Pengguna baru