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Bahasa Inggris >> Saran

Increase The Number Of Search Results (6)

eng holt >> jum'at april 9 - 17:58

Self explanatory. Almost every website allows you to go through all the results if you want to, which also means it shouldn't be too hard to implement.

eng holt
Pengguna baru
il Numpty >> sabtu april 10 - 12:31

Is this the forum search or transfers or both? 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng holt >> minggu april 11 - 11:10

This would be for both. It would be much more useful when it comes to transfers as you don't have to keep logging in to find a certain type of player at the best price.

eng holt
Pengguna baru
il Numpty >> minggu april 11 - 18:16

It's been suggested before. But like everything else nothing's likely to change for the forseeable.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Dragontao >> senin april 12 - 07:29

It's like people think Vincent is going to suddenly log back in, go through 3 years worth of suggestions (and counting) and magically implement them all. This forum is as useful as an inflatable dartboard.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng holt >> senin april 12 - 12:44, telah di sunting senin april 12 - 12:44

@Dragontao It's still a weirdly shaped balloon after the first throw.

I don't expect Vincent to come back at all. If I find some idea useful, I just put it up here to get alternative views about it. Takes a couple of minutes.

There's a better chance of Vincent coming back (or someone else taking over) and implementing ideas than winning the lottery, so eh.

eng holt
Pengguna baru