BC >>
sabtu juli 21 - 06:22 Barbados has an young competition. It has been restarted just a little 5 seasons ago. So we had to start at 0. Previous season Hollanditius made it to the half finales in the lower international competition. It did beat 1 of the top 20 teams to come there. This same team did prevent Holanditius to reach the Champions groups this season, but no tears, it did reach the groups of the lower competion again. Joined by another team from Barbados. Congratulations Deportivo de la Hoja.
By this we will score a lot of points for our country and that makes us rise with the whole competion on the ladder of countries.(see item 5 at the left in ´world´.) and will give more clubs the ability to go to play international. We did rise already a lot the last 2 seasons and that will go on for the coming 3 (this 1 included). Do not give up too fast. Keep on playing your own game and enjoy your own progress.