Zsone >>
selasa juni 11 - 13:11 Hello,
i was thinking to open a topic here about the tickets for games.I would like to invite everyone(i will post this in the 1 and 2 league of the italian league)to join in,to improve everyones popularity in italy.it is very simple really.I say we should buy for every game free tickets,until it is sold out ,just go to the "Results" and buy for the next 3 days ticket to every game you find for the 1 and 2 league in italy.i did that today,it took me only 5 minutes!So you sacrifice 5 minutes in 3 days and everyone popularity will increase and with that you will have more fans coming to the games because the opponent has bigger popularity and with that you'll have more money,it's a win for everyone.Why am i doing this?i just made a calculation that in the Netherlands 1 league the avarage popularity is 90000,in italy 1 it is 75000!That 15000 difference can make a difference around 300 fans/game,in money that means for example i got stadium 3 and catering 3, so each game(in avarage) i will have 10000 euro less than in holland,we have 19 home games,plus cup games,so we gain around 200000 euros/year less!!!so its worth it for 200000 euros to click a couple of times on buying tickets.Yes, we are competing against each other but lets make the italian league more stronger,come on everyone buy tickets!Forza italia